
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Monday, July 22, 2013

Young love ... for Jesus!

One of my favorite roles is that of grandfather. I was blessed last week to receive the following email from one of my daughters, mother to two precious children -- a 6-year-old daughter and a 3 1/2-year-old son:
Jake comes dashing into his bedroom in his underwear carrying his little orange Gideon Bible.
"Momma! I want to read from the Old Testament, then the New Testament. But let's start with Proverbs."
We finished reading and he said he wanted to read MORE. As we read we heard that God is our shield. Our refuge.  I asked Jake what a shield does, and he quickly replied, "To protect us!"
I asked, “If a shield is round about us, could anything harm us?”
He said, "Nothing can hurt us."
I reminded him that JESUS is THE ROCK of our salvation. We talked about the big rock Jake plays on at the park and the fact that when he stands upon that rock nothing can shake him.
I asked, "What if someone punched that rock? Would it move?
"No, Momma!"
“What if someone tried to lift that rock from its place. Could they do it?"
"No Momma!"
We talked about what it means to trust in Jesus. And then I asked Jake if he has asked Jesus to come into his heart to be Lord. He shook his head and said, "No!!"
I asked, "Well, would you like to say YES to Jesus as Lord and King in your life?"
"Oh, yes!"
So I asked him if he remembered where sin came from, how sin entered the world. And he said through Adam, who disobeyed God by eating from the tree of good and evil. Because of it they had to leave the garden.
He said, "My heart feels empty."
So we prayed and invited the Holy Spirit to come make Himself at home in Jacob’s heart.
Jakie then said, "My heart feels heavy."
"Heavy in a good way or a bad way?" I asked.
"Heavy in a good way Momma," he said.
She closed her story with the rhetorical question regarding her two children: "Is there any greater joy than to have been blessed to come alongside both of our children and see them know Christ and equip them to make Him known?"

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I was encouraged during a Fourth of July photography assignment to see the featured band gather for prayer onstage before their performance. I was reminded (yet again!) not to jump to conclusions about a person or persons based on their appearance. These gentlemen all have day jobs, but share the gift of music in family friendly performances. I'm sure many in the audience didn't even notice the prayer. I don't believe it was intended for "show," but as a mutual commitment to His glory before the band shared their talents. Praise God for His minstrels.