
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Friday, September 25, 2015

Not "unbroken," but surrendered and saved

I encourage anyone who has not heard the story of the late Louie Zamperini to watch the attached interview with Pastor Greg Laurie of Riverside, CA (click on link above photo). Zamperini survived not only an airplane crash and weeks on the sea, but Japanese prison camp as well. He made a pledge to God before being saved from his life raft ... but he forgot that promise until a moment under a revival tent with young evangelist Billy Graham in 1949. He then recalled his promise ... and more importantly he came to grips with the fact that he was lost for eternity but for God's promise through His Son Jesus Christ. His story, like the story of all followers of Christ, is HIS story. Enjoy.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Her story to His glory!

We received with joy a Facebook post from a sweet sister in Christ who lives in Oahu, Hawaii. She, her husband and children have consistently put their trust in the LORD through a series of challenges ranging from temporary homelessness to stage 4 cancer. Through it all, their testimony of faith has served to glorify God.
In her Facebook entry she included a sunset/palm photograph she had taken, accompanied by a treasured Scripture. The entry read: 
"This is an old photo I posted two years ago this month (September 2013). We had no home, (were) in the middle of moving into yet another temporary home, so much unknown in our future. It was so very difficult, but God was teaching me to TRUST Him. Along with this photo I wrote, 'And the righteous shall flourish like a palm tree.' Psalm 92:12
"We hung in there, made it through six different homes in six months, Stage 4 cancer, healed with nutrition and great faith."
"Researching about palm trees, this is what I found: they grow upright, under the greatest pressures, and rise upwards against the greatest weight upon them."
She continued: "We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us! He is my Rock, my Love, my Savior, my All. And I belong to Him ~ He is mine and I am His. Thank you Jesus for everything!"
In response to one of many comments to her entry, she concluded: "At the time I wrote that scripture, I was clinging to the Lord and His comforting word. I had a mix of great faith and great fear. I now walk with Jesus in such peace and great faith. Fear no longer holds me captive. His word is TRUE! It is all for Jesus, and to Him goes all the glory. It's His story alone, and I am just grateful to be a part of it. God bless you all! He is faithful!"