
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Monday, January 4, 2016

Sobering reality

My wife often recalls the story of a second grade Sunday School teacher who brought an aerosol hairspray can to class. Once she had the attention of the children, she pointed the can toward the ceiling and hit the button. A spray of vapor was visible, but it dissipated and quickly disappeared as it fell toward the floor. "Our lives," she said to her young students, "are like that vapor." A sobering thought for a child, and no less so for an adult, especially when we consider the friends and loved ones who have gone before us. But as believers we do not live in fear of separation from this world! Death, after all, was conquered at the cross. Jesus died ... but He was resurrected, and His promise is that we will also live a life everlasting ... an unimaginably wonderful life with Him! This is not our home. Praise be to God!