
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Monday, December 10, 2018

Overcomers in Christ!

My pastor is currently leading us verse by verse through the New Testament Book of Revelation: exciting, encouraging … and convicting as Jesus opens with letters to seven churches.

It’s easy for me to see the mistakes of the seven churches Jesus addresses. It’s sobering when I consider the same messages applied to my life!

Am I arrogant in my affluence? Lukewarm in response to His command to tell others about Christ? Distracted from His word by the noise and lights of our culture? Fearful of investing in “high maintenance” friends and family?

Of course I am guilty at some level of all of the shortcomings identified in these letters to the churches. But I am immediately reminded by the Holy Spirit that my Father’s desire is NOT for me to live a life burdened by chains of guilt and shame.

In Christ, I am found, not lost! I am free to pursue, by the inspiration and power of the Holy Spirit, a holy life that reflects Jesus!

It is a given that I will sin and fall short of His glory. But I am invited to recognize my sin, repent of it and move forward, walking with Jesus, in His will, viewed in His righteousness by a Father whose plan for me is perfect, including the promise of life eternal with Him!

“He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.” Revelation 3:21