
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Quiet, and peace

This morning I found notes from a devotional I shared at church in May 2012.  The following message was built around the phrase: "peace and quiet."

I thought about how we use this expression, and then I thought immediately of parents. Those of you who have been parents … or are still in the midst of the great adventure of parenthood … know why I thought of you.

The mom facing an all too familiar pile of toys or clothing as her children run laps around the room with screams of delight amped up to full volume.

She whispers to herself: "What I wouldn't give for some peace and quiet."

The dad who enters the family room to discover TV blasting and children arguing over control of the remote.

He thinks: "Wow, I sure could use a little peace and quiet."

Children or not, we all wrestle with the noise of our culture, from TV to internet, from car radio to traffic noise. Quiet can be an elusive pleasure.

As I thought about this phrase in the context of life as a Christ follower, I realized a swap is in order. Rather than "peace and quiet," maybe we should think in terms of "quiet and peace."

Maybe I should exercise more control over my environment, especially in the areas of TV and internet, as I seek to find quiet time to be in relationship with Jesus.

I grew up in a large family where noise and some degree of chaos were the norm. I also recall the early days of parenting when we had three kids banging around the house, oblivious to the noise they were generating.

When I am honest with myself I admit that I suffer a level of discomfort with quiet time. I purposefully seek out noise, even if it is simply "background noise." Jesus, on the other hand, invites me to spend more time with Him, in prayer and in the word. And He wants that one-on-one time to be intimate, uninterrupted by distractions.

Lord, I give thanks for Your desire for personal relationship, your sole purpose in creating humans in Your own image. I give thanks, Jesus, for how You perfectly modeled relationship. How You instructed us: "Love the Lord your God ... and your neighbor as yourself." I thank You, Lord, for the joys associated with conversation, laughter, music … the precious "noise" of our lives. But I understand Your call to us to commit to time alone with You, giving You our undivided attention. Please help me, as always, with my priorities.

"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid." John 14:27

"Blessed is the man who listens to Me, watching daily at My gates, waiting at My doorposts. For he who finds Me finds life, and obtains favor from the Lord." Proverbs 8:34-35