
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Monday, November 16, 2020

I shall remember the deeds of the Lord

Invariably when I hear or read a statement that I consider to be worthy of recall, I recognize that it echoes a truth already revealed in God's inspired word.

Once, for example, I was impressed to write down this statement by a speaker at a men's conference: "God's past faithfulness demands my present trust."

Past. Present. Faithful.

Then I read the passage above: "I shall remember the deeds of the Lord; surely I will remember Thy wonders of old. I will meditate on all Thy work, and muse on Thy deeds." (Psalm 77:11-12)

It is worthwhile, for personal consumption and for sharing with others, to recall God's faithfulness in our lives. These recollections are not only a powerful reminder to ourselves, but can be a great source of encouragement to others.

Once such example in my life is how God responded to my prayer when I was forced to transition quite unexpectedly from my career as a journalist. I will never forget the long distance telephone call that led to my first major contract as a public relations consultant. This was just the first of many divine interventions that made it possible for me to continue to work and raise a family in the area I love so much.

"My story," I have come to understand, is actually "His story" -- a wonderful story of a moment-to-moment relationship between father and son.

It is also rewarding to read the Bible with attention to details about how God asserted Himself in the lives of individuals, and nations. Noah's ark and the flood is not a fable, but a record of a unique cataclysmic event and a family spared for their faithfulness to the Creator. Daniel actually survived a night with lions. A teen-aged David actually killed a giant soldier named Goliath. Mary actually spoke with an angel, and was impregnated with son Jesus even though she was a virgin.

It is always rewarding to study the Bible and those whose stories are told there, to reflect on our own lives, and to consider how God's deeds reflect His character: a loving, righteous father Whose desire from the beginning of earth's history has been to live in relationship with us, the only creatures created in His image.