
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Our all access Father

This morning in our father's group we spent some time naming people we would like to lift up in prayer. Before we started "the prayer," one of my brothers shared an insightful "revelation."

"Even as we speak, God is present, listening to our conversation, hearing the names of those we intend to pray for. He's already heard our prayers."

How true! God assures us that wherever two or more are gathered, He is with us. Jesus Christ tells us in the Word: "Lo, I am with you always." I shared the fact that I was once a bit puzzled about the concept of prayer "without ceasing." The reality is, our surrender of self and commitment to Jesus Christ the Messiah means He dwells in us. There is no separation except that which we create when we choose to go our own way.

We went on to talk about the fact that God instructs us to pray not only "one on one," but also in fellowship with others. There are times when we pray "alone," and times when we join in prayer with others. Sometimes our prayer is silent; sometimes we speak boldly so others can hear. Other times we kneel and bow our heads, and sometimes we raise arms and eyes to Heaven. In short, there is no "pose" or "formula" for our conversation with the Father. He is all about relationship ... all access, all the time. He loves us. God is good!

Isaiah 65:24
"Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear."

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Put your trust in the Lord

I read Dr. Charles Stanley's book, "When the Enemy Strikes" several years ago. This morning I discovered this excerpt in a journal:

"Lord, I trust in You to give me a discerning spirit today. I trust You to guide me. I want to be spiritually sensitive in every situation I encounter. Holy Spirit, prompt me when people ask me a question or speak to me so I might respond with what You desire for me to say. Help me to see with Your eyes and hear with Your ears. Speak to my heart."


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

K.P. Yohannan, on God's economy

Dr. K.P. Yohannan of India began his spiritual journey at the age of eight when he gave his life to Christ. His godly mother fasted and prayed each week for God to call one of her six boys to serve the Lord. Her prayers were answered when K.P., her youngest son, surrendered his ambitions to the Lord and committed to full-time service in North India.
After eight years of serving the Lord in the subcontinent, he went to the U.S. for his theological studies and pastored a church for four years. However, he was unable to forget the untold millions who have not heard about the love of Christ.
Finally, in 1979, in obedience to the Lord, Yohannan resigned from his pastorate to give his full time to missions. From that beginning, Gospel for Asia has become an effective mission movement with several thousand workers in 11 Asian nations.
These are difficult economic times in the U.S., but click on the link below to hear Dr. Yohannan's encouraging words about "God's economy."

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

In Jesus' name

"Did God really say..."
With those words Satan, who had already led legions of angels into an eternal state of separation from God, began his cruel campaign of deceit and death on earth. Let there be no doubt: he continues to sow the seeds of death with his lies, despite the fact that Christ's death and resurrection have sealed his fate and delivered God's children from a similar end.

One of Satan's favorite lies sounds something like this: "You don't honestly believe God is personally interested in you, do you!? He is far away and concerned about more important matters. Surely you don't think He'll hear your sniveling prayers -- much less answer them!"

Of course God IS interested in every human being. He loves to hear from us, even sending His Son Jesus Christ in order that we might have the privilege of direct access to Him. God instructs us in Scripture to come confidently into His presence through Jesus -- to talk to Him about everything. In the gospel of John, Jesus Himself gives us the assurance of answered prayer:

John 16:24
"Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete."

When He made this statement, Jesus was speaking to His disciples on the night before His crucifixion. He did not say they had never before asked for anything in prayer, but He noted they had not asked in His name.

As believers in Christ, we are invited to ask in His name, because we belong to Him. To ask in His name means to ask in His authority and on His merit. Just as the Father answered Jesus' every prayer, so He will answer you when you ask in Jesus' name.

Do not listen to the lie. Claim God's promises, come to Him in prayer, and step forward in full expectation that He has heard and will answer.

* Acknowledgements to The Navigators and a Scripture memory booklet titled: "Beginning with Christ." See www.NavPress.com