
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Our all access Father

This morning in our father's group we spent some time naming people we would like to lift up in prayer. Before we started "the prayer," one of my brothers shared an insightful "revelation."

"Even as we speak, God is present, listening to our conversation, hearing the names of those we intend to pray for. He's already heard our prayers."

How true! God assures us that wherever two or more are gathered, He is with us. Jesus Christ tells us in the Word: "Lo, I am with you always." I shared the fact that I was once a bit puzzled about the concept of prayer "without ceasing." The reality is, our surrender of self and commitment to Jesus Christ the Messiah means He dwells in us. There is no separation except that which we create when we choose to go our own way.

We went on to talk about the fact that God instructs us to pray not only "one on one," but also in fellowship with others. There are times when we pray "alone," and times when we join in prayer with others. Sometimes our prayer is silent; sometimes we speak boldly so others can hear. Other times we kneel and bow our heads, and sometimes we raise arms and eyes to Heaven. In short, there is no "pose" or "formula" for our conversation with the Father. He is all about relationship ... all access, all the time. He loves us. God is good!

Isaiah 65:24
"Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear."

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