
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Do not fear the world

We were reminded recently during a study of Ecclesiastes that we are born into a life "under the sun," and without Christ that life is nothing but "vanity."

Our pastor reminded us that it is God's desire that we shine His light in the world, which repeatedly calls for us to do the "uncomfortable," seek relationship with the "difficult."

I was inspired mid-study to pray the following: "Lord, I pray that the lost -- the 'pre-saved' -- including the children of the church(!), would have the courage to express their doubts about You, to ask the hard questions (NEVER characterize a question about Christ as 'stupid!'). At the same time, I pray that we (your surrendered servants) would extend your grace, giving those who question the Truth the freedom to do so without fear of our reaction. Crush my fear of such conversations/relationships. Inspire me to lean entirely on You to convict those with the hole in the heart that only you can fill."

1 Thessalonianas 5:19
"Do not quench the Spirit."

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