
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Privileged to support a call

I was privileged recently to hear from a brother who, after months of prayer, has accepted the Lord's call into the ministry. He asked for opportunity among a group of brothers to share what is on his heart, and he asked for prayer.

This evening was memorable on many levels. First of all, I and others noted that the "calling" on our brother's life came as no surprise to us. In fact (and I know he realizes this), he has been engaged in personal ministry as long as I have known him. This call, however, is the call to pastor a flock in a new place, as yet undetermined.

I was encouraged as my brother shared with a spirit of humility, combined as only God can do with a spirit of courage and boldness. "I am nothing. I'm a simple guy. Only in Christ am I anything," our brother shared. "I cannot be all things to all people ... but I can teach, and I can love .. and that's what I'm going to do. I want to live in the center of God's will for my life."

In coming months this man's brothers and sisters in Christ will hold him up in prayer; pastors will take him under their wings as "lead shepherd in training;" targeted prayers will seek to clarify such things as place of calling, provision, protection against demonic attack, and possibly expression of support from others who are willing to relocate to a new fellowship.

Like others, I am excited for my brother and his wife, who have stepped in faith onto a path that does not currently feature many familiar "markers." We will continue to pray for a new "family" in His church ... and we will pray in gratitude that this pastor and his flock will answer not to a "parent" church, but solely to Christ's authority.

"Go therefore to the main highways, and as many as you find there, invite to the wedding feast." Matthew 22:9

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