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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

'Chrislam' is a lie

We listened the other night to Eastern Washington Pastor Shahram Hadian, a former Muslim who converted to Christianity in 1999. In an impassioned presentation regarding so-called "Chrislam," Hadian argued there is absolutely no commonality between the God of Christianity and Islam's Allah. American Christians in particular, he said, must study the foundations of Islam theology and then be prepared to step up and "speak the truth in love" as misstatements and outright lies become more and more common in the media and even in churches. "Islam," he said, "is an absolute perversion of the Word of God," completely incompatible with a church whose cornerstone is Jesus Christ, Son of God. He urged his audience to speak out against those who claim "a common good between Christianity and Islam." One assertion of Islam alone -- that Jesus was a prophet and NOT the Son of God -- creates a chasm between Christians and Muslims. In fact, the Christian truth of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is apostasy according to the Qu'ran, Islam's holy word. And while Christians believe Christ's death on the cross is the key to God's promise of salvation (eternal life), Muslims have no such assurance (other than a martyr's death). For more about this Iranian-born Christian's life story and ministry, visit Truth in Love Church.

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