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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Call to Remembrance

I pulled over for a photograph on Memorial Day when I saw this flag and cross standing together on the corner of a residential neighborhood. I am not a flag worshipper, but I am grateful to live in the United States, and I am grateful for the personal sacrifices that have been made to protect the freedoms of its citizens.

The following is an excerpt from the devotional "Days of Praise" published yesterday by the Institute for Creation Research. It eloquently stated my feelings about Memorial Day:

"Memorial Day should not be merely an occasion to give people a three-day time of leisure and pleasure, but rather a call to remembrance of those who suffered and died to ensure our political and religious freedoms—especially that freedom to believe and proclaim the saving gospel of Christ, which so motivated our forefathers."

"And it is even more important, every day, to call to remembrance the unfathomable sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ who died, not just to give us temporal freedom, but eternal freedom, providing everlasting life to all those who believe. We have a formal time for remembering this—whenever we observe the special supper He established, remembering His broken body and shed blood. “This do in remembrance of me,” He said (1 Corinthians 11:24-25), and Christians have been remembering Him in this way ever since He met with His disciples the night before He died for our sins."

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