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Monday, October 21, 2019

Love in Jesus must "flow forth"

Once again this morning, I was convicted by the words of the late Charles Spurgeon. The following is an excerpt of a Spurgeon devotional making it clear how personal appreciation/embrace of Christ's love MUST inspire the Christian to act on his or her faith:

How much do you owe our Lord? Has He ever done anything for you? Has He forgiven your sins? Has He covered you with a robe of righteousness? Has He set your feet upon a rock? Has He established your goings? Has He prepared heaven for you? Has He prepared you for heaven? Has He written your name in His book of life? Has He given you countless blessings? Has He laid up for you a store of mercies, which eye has not seen nor ear heard?

Then do something for Jesus worthy of His love.

Give not a mere word offering to a dying Redeemer. How will you feel when your Master comes, if you must confess that you did nothing for Him, but kept your love shut up, like a stagnant pool, neither flowing forth to His poor or to His work.

Denounce such love as that! What do men think of a love which never shows itself in action? Who will accept a love so weak?

Think how He has loved you, and given Himself for you! Do you know the power of that love? Then let it be like a rushing mighty wind to your soul to sweep out the clouds of your worldliness, and clear away the mists of sin.

For Christ's sake let the Holy Spirit make you bold as lions and swift as eagles in your Lord's service.

Love should give wings to the feet of service, and strength to the arms of labor.

Fixed on God with a constancy that is not to be shaken, resolute to honor Him with a determination that is not to be turned aside, and pressing on with an ardor never to be wearied, let us manifest the constraints of love to Jesus. May the divine loadstone (magnet) draw us heavenward toward itself.

"But one who looks intently at the perfect law, and the law of liberty, and abides by it, not becoming a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does." James 1:25

"But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13

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