
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Beware distractions in your spiritual walk

I am famous for the random piles of notes in my office. The other day I discovered this note related to the subject of "commotion."

"There is good commotion -- the kind of commotion we see in a household preparing for school or for work, the kind of commotion reported in the New Testament whenever word got out that Jesus had arrived in town. Excitement.

And there is bad commotion -- the commotion of a contentious street demonstration or family turmoil -- the kind of commotion experienced in a boat or ship threatened by heavy seas.

In either case, it is the commotion of life that all too often distracts us from keeping our heads up, our eyes set on Jesus."

I pray that we might put aside the commotion -- the distractions of our lives -- when they threaten our connection with Jesus, our Shepherd King. When those distractions become something we cannot ignore, I pray that we will immediately seek Your will as we speak or act in response.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Imagine the 'reunion' of saints in Heaven!

Among "silver lining" elements of the long season of COVID-19 is the inspiration to pick up the pace on the creation and sharing of electronic cards featuring photos and scriptures (such as above).

Yes, there has been a physical separation from many people I love, but the sharing of eCards gives me opportunity to reach out to say "I'm thinking about you" or "I'm praying for you" or even better: "Jesus loves you!"

It is difficult, however, to establish and build relationship via texts and emails, a reality that was hammered home for me recently when I returned to church for a men's breakfast. As we worshipped via livestream for months, new brothers and sisters have joined our fellowship. I counted at least eight brothers at the breakfast who I have yet to meet.

Still, I am grateful for how technology has allowed believers around the world to continue to communicate even under restrictions. In one case, I was able to establish relationship with a young brother who lives in another state. God, being the awesome God He is, soon made it possible for us to meet face to face! What a blessing. Now our "conversations" and prayer continue via technology.

But wait, I thought to myself. Physical separation from other believers is nothing new in this world ... and the promise has always been that we will ultimately see each other face to face.

This is not our home, but our eternal home will be populated by all who have surrendered their hearts to God. Gathered together from across history! Fellowship forever!