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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Upward focus

Luke 21:28
Jesus says, "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."

This morning I took a walk, and low hanging clouds drew my eyes upward on several occasions. I was reminded of an inspired book I just finished reading two days ago: "A Season for All Time," by Dr. Ray Rempt.

In a chapter titled "Look Up!" Rempt wrote in part: "When we look up, we are of course looking for the return of the Lord. This means that we are not only following His command, but we are expecting that He will appear as He promised He would. We do this because we have a hope that He is coming. Think what it is like for those who have no hope."

I then recalled my morning reading in "Living on the Edge," by Pastor Chip Ingram.

In a chapter titled "Where's Your Focus?" Ingram wrote in part: "In English, the word hope primarily means wishful thinking. But the word hope, as used in the Bible, is not a reference to wishful thinking, but to an object of trust because we can know something with absolute certainty. The Scripture talks about the return of Christ as our blessed hope."

Ingram continues: "Things may be difficult and circumstances may be tough, but our hope does not change. We are forgiven children of God who are sealed by the Spirit of God and adopted into the family of God with a place reserved for us in heaven for all eternity. This is our hope! Paul says an upward focus is a mind-set whereby we live in light of eternity."
We give thanks, Father, that as your forgiven children, our hope is not of the futile, "crossed fingers" variety. We give thanks for the blessed assurance of intimate relationship with You, not only in this life before Jesus' return, but for eternity!

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