
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Invest" in others

This morning in conversation about children, our little group of Christian dads was reminded in a painful way that our sweet "babies" WILL exercise the freedom of choice that sets humans apart from other creatures. All too often, especially as our children grow older, those choices WILL be contrary to God's will ... and they WILL cause separation and heartache.

Relationship with God must of course be a personal decision. We cannot "give" or "bequeath" our faith, even to those we love the most. But we can share the love story of Father God, who created the human race in order to be in relationship with us; we can lift them up in prayer, "fight" for them in the spiritual realm; we can support and encourage them in the faith once a decision has been made to surrender self to Jesus Christ the Messiah.

In the meantime, the conversation this morning reminded us that as Christians, we cannot offer cookie cutter answers/solutions to those we love when they share their burdens. We are called to walk through "it" (whatever "it" may be) with them. We are called to "invest" of ourselves. We are called to point always to Jesus, seeking at all times to align our thoughts, words and actions with God's will.

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