
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Keep eyes fixed on Jesus

In making room to close a desk drawer today I removed a journal. There is only one entry, which dates back to June 25, 2007. I think I may have shared all or part of this entry in a past blog, but it bears repeating. It reads:

"God tells us to rest in Him. He tells us not to fear. We are to surrender all to Him, including our fears about providing. That does not change when you take a job; marry; become a parent; assume a leadership role in the body. We are still -- always -- to seek His will and to enter into His plan with our eyes fixed on Jesus, after whom we are to model our lives, and our hopes for the future (eternity!).

"Our work, meant by the enemy to be a source of stress and separation from God, must be delivered over to Him so that it, like the rest of our earthly endeavors, can serve to glorify Him. Our "job" should be continued opportunity to worship "I AM."

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