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Monday, April 25, 2011

Love note inspired by Easter

Most of us have heard the dubious expression "preaching to the choir." Especially among Christian sisters and brothers, it is not uncommon to see someone struggle with the question of whether or not to "share" an exciting faith experience or insight. Shame on us! When it comes to inspired passion to share about our life in Jesus Christ, we should eagerly embrace opportunities to speak and to listen.

I am blessed with a daughter who loves to talk about Jesus, and I look forward to those "exchanges," whether in person, on the telephone or via the Internet. This weekend, on "Easter Eve," I was blessed with a note via email. An excerpt follows:

"I see my desperate need for My Savior every moment of every day. I see myself as a sinner in need of THE Savior and that HE alone is my strength. He is my life. I will proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ until the day He calls me home. For to me, to live is Christ, but to die gain. I find no greater joy than being a bondservant of the KING.

"I pray that you will continue to grow in the truth and the power of God's word, that you will know the riches of His glory and the power of His Might. He is King of Kings, Lord of Lords and He will come again to judge the living and the dead. As we celebrate the Resurrection of the LIVING King, are you among the living or the dead? Those who believe will live even after the body dies. If you haven't surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, I pray you will bow and find freedom in the one who came to die in our place. I love this saying by a wise man of God: "Victory is not you overcoming sin, victory is JESUS overcoming YOU!" I don't know about you, but I praise God HE continues overcome my sinful flesh.

"I am constantly reminded that Christ Jesus is our righteousness. No amount of works will save me, for "...it is by grace you have been saved through FAITH, and this not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not through works so that no man can boast (Ephesians 2:8)." Faith without works is dead. Christ produces in us the fruits of HIS Spirit. That is the power of Christ in us. I praise God for such truths! Have a wonderful Resurrection Day!"

Thank you, sweet sister in Christ, for sharing once again what is on your heart. May all believers resist the temptation to "stifle," choosing instead to share our faith and glorify His name.

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