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Monday, May 16, 2011

Personal, passionate, permanent

Once a year, I tap into the world of high tech to spend time with Joel Rosenberg and friends at the Epicenter Conference. It is always rewarding, and this morning was no exception as the first guest I listened to was Anne Graham Lotz.

Lotz, who told Rosenberg she hadn't been to Israel since she was 16 years old (she is now 63), agreed to be one of several renowned Christian leaders to address this year's Epicenter audience in Jerusalem. Noting recent events including violence as Israel celebrates its anniversary, Lotz called on her audience to pay attention to God's "wake up calls." She expressed her belief that, based on biblical prophecy and current events, Christ will return in the near future to begin His millenium reign.

What then, are we to do as Christ followers? The same as all believers have done since Christ's death, burial, resurrection and return to His Father's throne room: Live a life surrendered completely to Jesus -- perhaps with a heightened sense of urgency based on evidence of His second coming.

In addition to a brief lesson based on the first chapter of Joel, Lotz lovingly urged all to give up on the fantasy of a world where he or she reigns. She led a prayer that included the admonition to "...surrender the authority of my life and declare Jesus Christ King," thus accepting God's gracious gift of life eternal with Him.

Repent, she said, and take God at His word, surrendering self and acknowledging the miraculous purifying power of Christ's blood, shed for all. She emphasized that Christ was not killed by men. "He GAVE His life," she said, obeying the Father and suffering as the sacrificial Lamb in order that we might be made clean ... purified so that we can enter God's throne room boldly as beloved daughters and sons. This relationship, she noted, begins on this earth. It is personal, passionate, and permanent. Praise be to God.

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