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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tribute to a true servant

Talk about your man under authority...

David Wilkerson, a man of God who started his ministry among street gangs in New York City, died in a car accident on April 27.

Stephen Strang wrote in Charisma magazine: "David Wilkerson was a great man. He impacted millions who read his books, saw the famous movie version of The Cross and the Switchblade or attended his rallies. He also reached countless other millions through the ongoing work of Teen Challenge (now run by the Assemblies of God) and World Challenge, the ministry umbrella he used for many years to cover his multifaceted ministry. In his mid-70s, when most men are slowing down, Wilkerson felt called to start Please Pass the Bread, a ministry to feed the poorest of the poor."

Wilkerson was 79, just three weeks short of his 80th birthday. I watched Pat Boone and Nicky Cruz last night on TV, talking about their brother and the impact of his ministry on their lives and those of countless others. Cruz was a Puerto Rican gang member led to the Lord by Wilkerson as a teen. Boone befriended Wilkerson after portraying him in the low budget (but still powerful today) film titled after the book: "The Cross and the Switchblade."

In a World Challenge, Inc. newsletter dated March 7, Wilkerson wrote of an experience he had in meditation with the Lord: "His still, small voice asked me, 'David, do you still believe? Do you still believe I love you unconditionally? That you are being led by my Holy Spirit? That I bottle every tear you shed? That you are right now -- in this place, in this very hour -- in my perfect will?"

His "do you still believe" questions filled a page, at the end of which Wilkerson wrote: "My answer is emphatically, 'YES! Yes, Lord, I still believe it all and more -- much more!' Read Psalm 103 and ask yourself, 'Do I still believe it? All of it?' Beloved, keep yourself in the powerful, mighty, wondrous love of God."

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