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Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Word of God

I recently received an email of encouragement from my daughter in the wake of a decision to take part in a Precept Ministries study of Ephesians. She wrote in part: "Being in God's truth causes us to grow in Him, draw near to Him. We are then ready at any moment to teach or instruct with all patience and love in the Spirit."

Her passion for the Word was evident as she continued: "Oh, how He longs to spend time with us, to reveal sweet truth about Himself. He bids us, "Come," and we have a choice as how we will obey, how we will make the most of every opportunity here in earth. I don't want to miss out on anything He has planned for me. I don't want to suffer the realization that in my Spiritual laziness I missed out on all He had richly lavished upon me because I thought studying 'a burden' or 'for those who are scholars.' I am reminded that God's truth tells us: "Seek first the kingdom of God." Therefore, I joyfully seek Him first."

I give thanks, Father, that I was born into a time and place where literacy is an option for all, and Your Word is readily available. I give thanks for the endless gifts you offer in your Living Word, and for your desire to be in dialogue with Your children at all times, in every situation.

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