
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Search and rescue

I was privileged last week during an evening prayer session to hear a request to pray for members of a local search and rescue (SAR) unit – a team struggling mightily under the oppression of anger and despair.
As the story unfolded, we listened to the heart cry of the wife of one of the unit members. We also heard from the husband who serves in the unit, and from a civilian working in a SAR unit support role . All three are believers, burdened with the weight of workdays marred with grumbling, complaints and a general sense of discouragement.

How ironic, I thought to myself, that we are being asked to intercede on behalf of a team whose very name reflects our call as believers:  “Go (search) therefore and make disciples (rescue) of all nations…”

In this spiritual battle, we asked the Lord to lead believers to those in the SAR unit whose hearts are ready to receive the message of His undeserved grace; His desire for relationship with all. We asked that those in bondage to anger toward those in authority would be convicted to reconsider their attitudes, opening themselves to the question of how they can contribute personally to bringing about change.

These are, after all, people who volunteered for the challenging, even life-threatening role of searching out and rescuing people whose lives are in danger.

“These are lives at risk,” we prayed of those in the SAR unit, “and we align ourselves, Lord, with your desire to see hearts surrendered … rescued from a world of pain and death into God’s family; heirs of the Redeemer King with the associated gifts of peace, joy and hope as they live lives under Your authority.”

I look forward to hearing about God’s victories on this battlefield.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

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