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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Father in prison tells daughter 'The Answer'

Among those singled out by Jesus for attention and care from His followers are widows, orphans -- and prisoners.
I was struck recently when I encountered a poignant "jail letter," not TO a prisoner, from FROM a prisoner to his child.
The prisoner is Pastor Saeed Abedini, a Christian imprisoned in Iran for the past several years. This letter, written in September 2014, was addressed to his 8-year-old daughter on the occasion of her birthday. While it is deeply personal, it also bears a strong witness to all who call themselves followers of Christ, especially to those whose hearts ache for loved ones saved and not yet saved.
The letter read in part:
"Happy 8th birthday! You are growing so fast and becoming more beautiful every day. I praise God for His faithfulness to me every day as I watch through the prison walls and see pictures and hear stories of how you are growing both spiritually and physically."
"Oh, how I long to see you."
"I know that you question why you have prayed some many times for my return and yet I am not home yet. Now there is a big WHY in your mind and you are asking: WHY Jesus isn't answering your prayers and the prayers of all of the people around the world praying for my release and for me to be home with you and our family."
"The answer to the WHY is WHO. WHO is in control? LORD JESUS CHRIST is in control."
"The answer to the WHY is WHO. The confusion of 'Why has all of this happened?' and why your prayers are not answered yet is resolved with understanding WHO is in control. LORD JESUS CHRIST, our GOD!"
"God is in control of the whole world and everything that is happening in it is for His good purpose, for His glory, and will be worked out for our good (Romans 8:28). Jesus allows me to be kept here for His glory. He is doing something inside each of us and also outside in the world."
"People die and suffer for their Christian faith all over the world, and some may wonder why? But you should know the answer of WHY is WHO. It is for Jesus. He is worth the price. And He has a plan to be glorified through our lives."
"I want you to read the book of Habakkuk. He had the same question as you. But see that the Lord answered him: "... the vision comes and doesn't delay on time. Wait for it." Mommy and I always had big desires to serve Jesus and had great vision to be used for His Kingdom and for His Glory. So today we pay a cost because God, who created us, called us to that."
"And so I want you to know that the answer to all of your prayers is that God is in control, and He knows better than us what He is doing in our lives and all around the world."
The father closes his letter:
"Then my dear beloved daughter Rebekka Grace, I pray God will bring me back home soon. But if not, we will still sing together as Habakkuk did 'Hallelujah!' either separated by prison walls or together at home. So let Daddy hear you sing a loud 'Hallelujah' that I can hear all the way here in the prison! I am so proud of you my sweet courageous daughter. Glory to God forever! Amen."

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