
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Thursday, April 14, 2016

One way. Hurray!

Satan, the accuser, is frantically active these days as the return of Christ draws closer.
There is pressure, even in the Christian church, to believe the lie.

One of those lies is this. Satan charges: “What!? Only one way to Heaven?! Surely a god of love will welcome all, no matter what path they have chosen to take to the next life.”

But Jesus Himself said: “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except by me.”

If I was in a burning building and someone called me to the one way out of the building and sure death, would I complain that there were no OTHER exits to safety? That's ridiculous.

Here is the truth. God created us in His own image, setting us apart from all other creatures. He invited us to walk and talk with Him … but He gave us the choice to deny that invitation.

Adam and Eve chose to believe Satan’s lie and defy God’s will. Since that time all people, we are told in the Bible, have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

But in His grace, God offered a way to once again walk and talk with Him as He intended from the beginning … and The Way includes the promise of life eternal with him.

Jesus Christ is indeed the only way. Is that reason to question God?! To offer an enlightened alternative?! Of course not.

Jesus is the Good News … the AMAZING news. He is THE way unto the Father, and for that we must all be grateful.

Thank you, Father, for your invitation to relationship. You are light, perfection … and cannot abide the darkness of sin … but in Your Son, our Redeemer King, you have provided a way … THE WAY … to forgiveness and the promise that though our sins be like scarlet, they will be washed white as snow.

We thank you Jesus, the perfect Lamb, for taking on our sins, and for the promise of your return to gather your sheep.

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