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Saturday, June 8, 2019

Two made one in Christ!

What a great reward God gave me this morning as I opened His book to Romans 16.

This closing section to Paul's letter to the Romans is filled with words of encouragement to brothers and sisters in Christ, including several couples.

I was reminded of the wonder of a Christian marriage -- two bound together spiritually as one in a relationship often used to describe Christ's relationship with the church.

In verse three Paul acknowledges the husband and wife team of Priscilla and Aquila, "my fellow workers in Christ Jesus, who for my life risked their own necks..."

It is made clear in other letters from Paul that this couple played a vital role, not only in his life but in the life of the early church. How like the Father to inspire Paul to specifically, personally cite the names of so many as a reminder to us that each and every believer -- each and every Christian couple -- plays an important role in His plan.

I am grateful this morning for my godly wife, who God has clearly used to deliver to me the gifts of love, counsel, inspiration and encouragement. I am also grateful for the many godly couples who have played important roles in my spiritual life, from childhood to present.

Today, I am richly blessed to be part of a fellowship in which numerous couples demonstrate on a regular basis the strength and power of lives given over to His Lordship. I am grateful for their friendship, leadership and example as they too walk the often difficult path of this life with eyes fixed on Jesus, Who will return soon for His bride!

In a day when Satan's assault on Christian marriage has had devastating impact, may God bless all Christian couples and their families as they courageously live out lives dedicated to Christ, in Whose strength we serve.

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