
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Little ones reflect Jesus, too!

Ideally, we as believers reflect Christ daily, even in the "routine" comings and goings of the day.

I admit, however, that I am too often caught by surprise when I see Christ in the lives of children and young teens.

Such was the case two days in a row this week: the first via a mother's blog entry and the second "up close and personal" in a nighttime moment with my grandchildren.

In the first story, a young son is hiking with mother and others on a hot summer day complete with irritating insects. With two miles remaining yet on a 9-mile hike, he expresses his frustration in dramatic fashion. Mother, who is experiencing her own challenges with fatigue and bugs, opts to create some physical space to give her son an opportunity to go solo with his grumbling.

Minutes later, the boy runs ahead to join his mother. "Mom!" he exclaims. "Guess what?"

He then shares that in the peak of his frustration, he called out to God in prayer. Shortly after the prayer he looked down to trail's edge to discover a can of insect repellant!

"God really does care about the little things," he said to Mom, extending the can of repellant so she too could experience relief from pesky insects.

As Mom noted in her blog, it was exciting 1) to see God's "delivery" from an uncomfortable situation, and 2) to know that her son opted to pray to his heavenly Father in the midst of his predicament.

My second story involves a "sleep-over" at our house while our grandchildren's parents enjoyed a weekend anniversary trip. Shortly after sending them off to bed, I followed with the intention of leading a nighttime prayer.

I discovered I was late, and the 9- and 12-year-old were already in the middle of prayer together. Not only was I encouraged to see my "leadership" was not required, but I was delighted to hear them intercede on behalf of a sister in Christ struggling mightily with the ravages of multiple sclerosis.

Grandmother and I were greatly encouraged, and we shared news of the prayer with our ailing sister via email, knowing that nights can be particularly difficult for her.

The next day our sister expressed her gratitude, and reported with joy that the previous night had been more restful than previous nights.

Faith, the gift of God, demonstrated by young believers who are too often discounted. Precious examples of children used as instruments of God to bring joy and encouragement not only in their own lives but in the lives of adults watching on.

Thank you, Lord, for Your love and involvement in the lives of all who surrender their hearts, regardless of age.

"But Jesus said, 'Suffer the little children to come unto Me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven'." Matthew 19:14

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

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