
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

"Jesus loves bikers"

On a cool fall day marred with intermittent rain I paused before packing up my camera.

The “occasion” was an annual motorcycle event that draws thousands of bikers to our small island community. On a sunny day, long lines of colorful bikes and gleaming chrome make for interesting shots. This was not one of those days, and if rain dampened my enthusiasm, you can imagine its impact on bikers exposed to the elements.

Inspired by a patch of blue sky, I parked and started out on foot to walk the long blocks of city street packed with four rows of motorcycles. It is always dangerous to generalize about people gathered for public events, but suffice it to say there were some elements of the rally that reflected a passion more attuned to soul than spirit.

I hadn’t moved very far into the street when I noticed most of the traffic control personnel in yellow vests had something in common: many of them had vests or caps that featured the logo of the Christian Motorcyclists Association (CMA).

Intrigued by this contingent of volunteers I moved up the street. Before long I noticed a CMA booth situated on a side street. Just a few blocks away, a small crowd and a handful of bikes were gathered at a tent with an identifying sign that read: “Bike blessing.”

My “assignment” was clear. I began to gather a collection of photos of CMA volunteers, some doing traffic control, others chatting with passersby and still others huddled in prayer around bikes bound for the open road. How encouraging to see Christian brothers and sisters who committed to His service on a rainy Sunday. How wonderful to see the smiles, to see heads bowed in prayer.

On my way out of the event I had one more surprise. Over massive speakers I heard the name “Jesus” from the lips of a singer on stage. Sure enough, one of the bands performing on a side street stage was singing to the glory of God.

Like firemen headed into the fire while most others run the other way, these teams of CMA volunteers moved into a mass gathering of bikers with the intent of service in Jesus’ name. Demonstrations of the Good Shepherd's love, in word and action.

“Well done, good and faithful servants!”

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Bruised, not broken, in His service

In an early morning text exchange I learned today that one of my daughters is suffering the lingering effects of a migraine headache. After promising prayer, I teased: "You  need to be restored to 100 percent for today's divine appointments."

In fact, that is far from the truth, as any seasoned believer knows. It is often in times of physical duress that we serve most effectively as followers of Christ!

It is our illnesses, injuries and challenging emotional times that draw us closer to the Lord. These are the times that build our sense of empathy, the perspective that serves us mightily in our relationships with others.

These are the times that make it clear to us there are countless circumstances beyond our control!

But Jesus is always at hand ... never "separated" from us regardless of the situation. We do not necessarily invite life's physical challenges, but we are called to embrace them as an undeniable part of God's plan.

Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness in our lives, often most evident as you restore us from illness and injury, or teach us to persevere in our pain. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for your comfort and healing. May we learn what You have to teach us from each of life's challenges.

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalm 73:26

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:28-29

Monday, September 2, 2019

Another gift from Dorothy

My morning "to do" list included removal of a stack of books in a corner of the bedroom. The stack was soon displaced, dust eliminated ... and I was immediately rewarded for my effort!

Among the books was a small, soft-cover book titled: "The Daisy Woods, and Other Island Verse." It was a treasure signed by dear author and friend Dorothy Neil.

Among the poems included on these precious pages was the following:

Not Expected
I dreamed Death came to me the other night,
And Heaven's gates swung wide,
With kindly grace St. Peter
Ushered me inside.

And there to my astonishment
Stood friends I'd known on earth,
Whom I had judged and labeled,
'Unfit ... of little worth.'

Indignant words rose to my lips
But never were set free ...
For every face showed stunned surprise,
No one expected me!"

Dorothy has since gone home to be with Jesus, but I can see the twinkle in her eyes as she pulled this fresh-written poem from her manual typewriter. Her gifts to me, particularly during some lonesome post-college years, were many. How wonderful to discover her words today, and to be blessed yet again.

Lord, I am grateful to you for the friendship I had with this loving Christian sister, a widow who shined your light daily in word and deed. I am grateful to be reminded this morning of her wit, of a God-given sense of humor that was often employed to "counsel" others in a loving way. Humor aside, Lord, I live in awe of the truth that my place in Heaven is established. You will greet me, "white as snow," because I have received Jesus as my Redeemer King. May I be reminded each day to see others through Your eyes, even when my flesh resists. May I never presume to take Your place as judge, humbled by the knowledge that my eternal fate is not what I deserve, but what You promise to all who repent and walk into Your Son's outstretched arms.