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Monday, September 2, 2019

Another gift from Dorothy

My morning "to do" list included removal of a stack of books in a corner of the bedroom. The stack was soon displaced, dust eliminated ... and I was immediately rewarded for my effort!

Among the books was a small, soft-cover book titled: "The Daisy Woods, and Other Island Verse." It was a treasure signed by dear author and friend Dorothy Neil.

Among the poems included on these precious pages was the following:

Not Expected
I dreamed Death came to me the other night,
And Heaven's gates swung wide,
With kindly grace St. Peter
Ushered me inside.

And there to my astonishment
Stood friends I'd known on earth,
Whom I had judged and labeled,
'Unfit ... of little worth.'

Indignant words rose to my lips
But never were set free ...
For every face showed stunned surprise,
No one expected me!"

Dorothy has since gone home to be with Jesus, but I can see the twinkle in her eyes as she pulled this fresh-written poem from her manual typewriter. Her gifts to me, particularly during some lonesome post-college years, were many. How wonderful to discover her words today, and to be blessed yet again.

Lord, I am grateful to you for the friendship I had with this loving Christian sister, a widow who shined your light daily in word and deed. I am grateful to be reminded this morning of her wit, of a God-given sense of humor that was often employed to "counsel" others in a loving way. Humor aside, Lord, I live in awe of the truth that my place in Heaven is established. You will greet me, "white as snow," because I have received Jesus as my Redeemer King. May I be reminded each day to see others through Your eyes, even when my flesh resists. May I never presume to take Your place as judge, humbled by the knowledge that my eternal fate is not what I deserve, but what You promise to all who repent and walk into Your Son's outstretched arms.

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