
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Church responds with online services

Like all other churches in Washington State, regular gatherings of our fellowship on North Whidbey Island have been suspended in response to mandates from the governor (all organizations and many businesses also impacted).

As frustrating as it is to suspend meeting with brothers and sisters, church leadership has honored government authorities in their effort to put a lid on the spread of the deadly COVID-19 virus, now labeled an international pandemic.

That does not mean teaching and worship have been suspended, however. In response to these extraordinary times, The Bridge Christian Fellowship has joined countless other Christian churches in providing "virtual" teachings.

"Online outreach" includes Wednesday evening and Sunday morning worship as well as teaching for adults and children. Also on the "virtual menu" of services are periodic devotionals. Archived teachings on the fellowship website include video from recent months, and audio dating back 16 years.

I encourage you to visit www.bridgechristianfellowship.com. For a "taste" of what you will find, attached here is an example of one of Pastor Rick Crawford's new "WordBytes," brief devotionals posted via YouTube:

Click here to link.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Deadly virus, continued trust

As I write this post we are in the midst of the international coronavirus pandemic, and unfortunately Washington State is among a handful of U.S. states suffering the highest number of deaths and illnesses.

From the federal level down, restrictions have been mandated in an effort to minimize illnesses and death by keeping people apart. My wife and I are hunkered down in our home. Our church family has been "quarantined" as well, in keeping with the governor's directive to limit gatherings to 25 people or less.

We are frustrated, cautious … but not anxious, as we realize our Father is still on His throne. He has not "departed," He has not been distracted. And He is definitely bigger than this virus!

It has been encouraging to see the response by Christian brothers and sisters to this very real challenge. Despite dramatic ramifications included closure of schools and many businesses, we hear our younger brothers and sisters tell us they are trusting in Jesus even as they wrestle with challenges and the tendency to "spin scenarios" of the bleak variety.

I heard a story of a brother who has become more bold than ever in witnessing to neighbors and co-workers ("I want you to know I am a Christian. My hope is in Jesus, and I would be happy to talk to you about Him any time.")

Another sister and brother have reached out to elderly friends (including us) by telephone, offering to help in any way they can, including curbside delivery of groceries.

After one week of reduced maximum attendance at a Sunday service, our fellowship opted to suspend gatherings. At the same time, the dedication of a couple of young brothers led to exploration of social media applications. Today our pastor's teachings are posted on YouTube, and other posts are going out to families with children (virtual Sunday School). In addition to Sunday and Wednesday teachings, the pastor's communications will include devotional "bites" two or more times a week.

Examples of the Christian response on the international level are countless, but all have the same foundation: Love for one another: love of, trust in … Jesus Christ, our Messiah, Lord of all!

On a back yard adventure the other day, my wife heard the distinctive sound of a hummingbird buzzing by. A minute or two later I spotted him in a tree, and then on the top of a tall shrub. There he waited calmly as I approached for a few photos, one of which appears here.

We continue to trust in the Lord, our Creator, giving thanks for each breath. We pray for His will in each day, even as we remain in the confines of our home. Given prophecy in the Word, we realize that this and many other circumstances in our world are simply hints of things to come. We do not despair, however, and pray that these circumstances might bring many more unbelievers to their knees in acknowledgment of the One True God.

Keep looking up, and remember Christ will come for His church before prophecy is fulfilled on this earth in the seven-year period known as "The Tribulation." Remember that His desire is that ALL should be saved, and pray that the number of those who surrender their lives to Him will grow by great numbers as unbelievers ponder their mortality.

"For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with Him." 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever." Psalm 23:6

"When I am afraid, I put my trust in You." Psalm 56:3

Monday, March 16, 2020

Santification a life-long journey

My daughter recently sent this page, reflecting beautifully her "notes to self" as she walked through a morning Bible study. I took the opportunity to share in the element of that study that pertained to sanctification, the life-long work of God in our lives in this fallen world.

One quote on her page (from Ruth Paxon) read: "Either you're a sinner … or you're a saint." Thought provoking, to say the least.

The Bible tells us that when we acknowledge our sin (life apart from God's will) and repent in the name of Jesus Christ, we are born again -- new creatures free of the sentence of death.

The remainder of our lives will be spent as God sanctifies us, inspiring and strengthening us to deny our selfish, fleshly desires in deference to our desire to please Him and walk in His will.

Christ's death on my behalf redeemed me of sin and the sentence of spiritual death. But as long as I live in this fallen world and wrestle with the desires of my flesh, I will be called to see my sin, acknowledge it and repent, or "turn away" from it.

I live a life here in spirit and flesh, so I will never be free of sin even as I commit to a Christ-like life. The wonderful news, however, is that the Holy Spirit will continue to teach, comfort and heal as I walk out this life with Jesus.

I will stumble. I will drop Christ's hand and seek my own path. But I also will be convicted of sin by the Holy Spirit, and I will be forgiven when I repent.

I am "marked" a saint, not condemned as a sinner. As I walk with Jesus, who was resurrected and lives in the hearts of His children, I am set apart from those who do not know Him and worship Him as their Redeemer King. As someone "set apart unto God" I am blessed to be used for God's glory!

The "road" of this life will not be easy. The journey will be marred by our failures and "attacks" on us, both on our spiritual and physical man. But Jesus will ALWAYS walk with His sheep. He will never abandon us, but will lovingly lift us up and continue on this physical journey as we approach the spiritual destination of life eternal, life free of sin and pain.

May I embrace my sanctification as a saint, and never succumb to Satan's lie that God is disgusted with me, a hopeless sinner. May I continue to walk in relationship with God as He intends, and to seek by His power, by His strength, to serve in love.

"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." 1 Peter 2:9

"My lips will shout for joy when I sing praises to You; and my soul, which You have redeemed." Psalm 71:23

"For God hath not called us into uncleanness, but into holiness." 1 Thessalonians 4:7

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Seeking His peace

At the time of this writing the world is undergoing the trauma of a coronavirus pandemic. Its ugly impact and the ramifications of man's efforts to protect himself are sweeping. Even in the United States responses are extraordinary, ranging from plummeting stock market and closed schools to public runs on groceries and household goods. Last week I was asked to located a photo of a local lake from my files. When I discovered this image I thought immediately of a scripture card acknowledging God as the source of tranquility in an anxious, agitated world. The response from a Facebook post with this image has been overwhelming. So today I share it with my "Under Authority" friends, encouraging all to lean on Jesus, the only source of true peace, now and forever.