
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Monday, March 16, 2020

Santification a life-long journey

My daughter recently sent this page, reflecting beautifully her "notes to self" as she walked through a morning Bible study. I took the opportunity to share in the element of that study that pertained to sanctification, the life-long work of God in our lives in this fallen world.

One quote on her page (from Ruth Paxon) read: "Either you're a sinner … or you're a saint." Thought provoking, to say the least.

The Bible tells us that when we acknowledge our sin (life apart from God's will) and repent in the name of Jesus Christ, we are born again -- new creatures free of the sentence of death.

The remainder of our lives will be spent as God sanctifies us, inspiring and strengthening us to deny our selfish, fleshly desires in deference to our desire to please Him and walk in His will.

Christ's death on my behalf redeemed me of sin and the sentence of spiritual death. But as long as I live in this fallen world and wrestle with the desires of my flesh, I will be called to see my sin, acknowledge it and repent, or "turn away" from it.

I live a life here in spirit and flesh, so I will never be free of sin even as I commit to a Christ-like life. The wonderful news, however, is that the Holy Spirit will continue to teach, comfort and heal as I walk out this life with Jesus.

I will stumble. I will drop Christ's hand and seek my own path. But I also will be convicted of sin by the Holy Spirit, and I will be forgiven when I repent.

I am "marked" a saint, not condemned as a sinner. As I walk with Jesus, who was resurrected and lives in the hearts of His children, I am set apart from those who do not know Him and worship Him as their Redeemer King. As someone "set apart unto God" I am blessed to be used for God's glory!

The "road" of this life will not be easy. The journey will be marred by our failures and "attacks" on us, both on our spiritual and physical man. But Jesus will ALWAYS walk with His sheep. He will never abandon us, but will lovingly lift us up and continue on this physical journey as we approach the spiritual destination of life eternal, life free of sin and pain.

May I embrace my sanctification as a saint, and never succumb to Satan's lie that God is disgusted with me, a hopeless sinner. May I continue to walk in relationship with God as He intends, and to seek by His power, by His strength, to serve in love.

"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." 1 Peter 2:9

"My lips will shout for joy when I sing praises to You; and my soul, which You have redeemed." Psalm 71:23

"For God hath not called us into uncleanness, but into holiness." 1 Thessalonians 4:7

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