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Thursday, May 7, 2020

"You can be sure!"

Ever more precious in these high-tech days of computers and handheld devices are handwritten notes and letters from loved ones.

This morning I was pleased to discover a photo of the back side of a 3X5 card with the handwriting of a dear friend who has since gone on to be with our beloved Savior in Heaven.

Sister Ruth Kleven, who left this world in 2016 at age 104, loved Jesus from childhood. For a special season in her life, she credited the Holy Spirit with inspiration for dozens of poems she ultimately published in small books. She printed and distributed those books at her own expense, choosing to share the words with others when the occasion presented itself.

I have many of Ruth's poems, typewritten copies, because I helped her at one time to produce a new edition of her little book. My wife, who loved Ruth as one of her dearest friends, was gifted the handwritten 3X5 index card pictured here.

The back of that card includes the "sinner's prayer," written in her words. It reads:

"Dear Father in Heaven: I come to You confessing that I am a sinner. Forgive me thru Jesus and cleanse me. Come into my heart Lord Jesus and take over my life. Help me to live for You and follow You from this moment on. Thank you, Jesus! Amen!"

Bookend scriptures cited with this prayer include passages from the gospel of John and from the first of his three letters:

"But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name." John 1:12

And what some describe as "the crown of John's letters," accompanied by Ruth's handwritten note: "You can be sure!"

"These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, in order that you many know that you have eternal life." 1 John 5:13

Precious Savior: I give thanks this morning for the gift of friendship with Ruth, our dear sister in faith. I thank You for her long life, for her gift of words and obedience in recording and sharing those words. I thank You for the countless witnesses over history who have shared their encouraging testimonies of love and relationship, trust and hope in You. I pray that I might be always aware of Your supernatural promptings to share, verbally and in writing, the story of Jesus Christ, Who was, Who is and Who is to come!

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