
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Saturday, October 9, 2021

 Yesterday when I was sorting through desk drawers I discovered a small tract with the cover title: "If I gained the world, but lost the Savior." I don't recall how it came into my possession, but on the back in shaky script is the word "Mother."

Inside was a treasure -- a four stanza poem written under the title referenced above. There was no attribution on the tract, so I went to the internet and there it was: a 1904 hymn written by Anna Olander of Sweden, daughter of a teacher and pastor.

There is a reason the hymn was included in dozens of church hymnals "back in the day." I won't print all four verses, but this one in particular touched my heart:

"O the joy of having all in Jesus!

What a balm the broken heart to heal!

Ne'er a sin so great, but He'll forgive it,

Nor a sorrow that He does not feel!

If I have but Jesus, only Jesus,

Nothing else in all the world beside --

O then ev'rything is mine in Jesus;

For my needs and more He will provide."

Oh, precious Savior, I give thanks again for the precious reality that while I was yet a sinner (Your enemy) You came to save me. There is nothing this world has to offer in comparison to a life surrendered under Your lordship. I pray that in these increasingly troubled times worldwide, countless people will hear the gospel message and come into Your outstretched arms. You, and You alone, can save the soul destined for either Heaven or Hell. Thank you for your love.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Granddaughter's art inspires eCard

When granddaughter Hallie gave us this handcrafted card featuring her watercolor art, it was an easy decision to add her name and a scripture to create an eCard. "Blessed be the name of the Lord!"

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

'My feet have not slipped'

 A "silver lining" element of the stifling impact of COVID-19 lockdown measures has been a personal motivation to take more walks and hikes in this beautiful corner of the Pacific Northwest. Those adventures generally present opportunities to take photos such as the one printed above.

I can then combine my passions for photography and the word to create eCards to share with others.

Yesterday, on this walk alone from beach to the highway bridge above, I looked at the rock wall adjacent to the path and thought of Jesus: rock/fortress. No skinny wire fence, no split rail, but a substantial stone wall protecting the hiker from a precipitous bluff.

With Jesus, my rock, I can continue on this walk of life with full confidence that He is there with me always, protecting me and in worst case, standing with me through painful (even life threatening) stretches of that journey this side of Heaven.

Thank you, Jesus, for your promise to love me, to be my Savior, no matter the circumstances. I am grateful, confident, even courageous because I live a life surrendered to Your perfect plan for me.

(Note: Another silver lining is this "new world" is my conscious effort to stay in contact with brothers and sisters I cannot necessarily see face to face. This eCard, for example, will go out to a number of people God has placed on my heart, among them brothers in North Carolina, Kentucky and South Korea. Technology used to His purposes...)