
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Trust in the Lord

I love this passage from Jeremiah.

And speaking of "blessed," I am ... in countless ways. The photograph in this eCard, for example, was taken on a hike to an island bluff near my home. After suffering a cardiac arrest in March 2022 this hike was not possible for many months, but by God's grace and healing touch I am alive ... and growing stronger with time.

This hike requires a bit of climbing, but I celebrated again yesterday that I can reach the top without stopping periodically to gather my strength, my breath.

There is joy in the making of these eCards, which feature photos I take on my hikes and walks. There is joy in putting the images together with Scripture. There is joy in sharing with brothers and sisters via text and email ... and there is great joy in hearing back that the eCard and scripture were a blessing to the recipient!

Another word for "blessed" is "happy."

Oh, happy day, when Jesus washed my sins away! I will walk with Him in joy until He takes me home.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Who, me?!

I was reminded yesterday in a Bible study that Jesus did not recruit His apostles from the ranks of “the educated” -- or the “professional” religious leaders of the day, but from the grassroots -- working stiffs simply trying to make it through this difficult life.

In fact, we know from the gospels that religious leaders of the day took issue with Jesus followers such as Matthew the tax collector. After all, Jews working for the Romans were held in contempt for their collaboration with the enemy. The common practice among tax collectors was not only to collect money for the Romans, but to fudge the numbers to line their own pockets.
As was the case with every person Jesus encountered, He looked on tax collector Matthew with love, with a plan to “invest” in his life in a way no one else could.
When Jesus said to each of His apostles, “Follow Me,” He was demonstrating that He valued each man for who he was, warts and all -- and expressing His confidence in who they could be, changed forever by His gift of forgiveness and salvation. What an incredible privilege It must have been to accept that invitation!
Today Jesus continues to extend that invitation! When we the wounded, the broken, the hopeless acknowledge our desperate need for The Glorious Physician, He takes us into His arms and we are healed! Thank you, Jesus, for your love, a love that will last for eternity!

The peace that passeth understanding


Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Words to live by

I was saddened yesterday to learn of the death of American pastor Charles Stanley. Today in a news clip I saw about him I was impressed by one particular statement (counsel) he shared. In terms of living the Christ life he said:

"Obey God, and leave the consequences to Him."

It reminded me of another pastor friend whose counsel is: 

"Seek God's desire. Then ask Him what your role is (if any) and ask, 'How can I most quickly align myself with your will'?"

Love the Lord your God, and others as yourself. Trust in Him and His indwelling Spirit to "do the work" you could never hope to accomplish on your own.



Monday, February 27, 2023

Signs of One World Religion

Pastor Shahram Hadian visited our Whidbey Island church this week to talk about biblical prophecy and the One World Religion prophesied in Revelation.
A comprehensive presentation included news of the pending opening of "The Abrahamic Family House" in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates. This center includes three primary buildings: a mosque (Islam), a synagogue (Judaism) and a church (Christian).
Hadian is the founder of Truth in Love Ministry, and is a sought-after speaker who travels around North America addressing critical issues facing us as believers and as Americans. He once lived in Washington State but now calls Tennessee home.

A Christian pastor and former Muslim, Shahram was born in Iran, came to America to escape an oppressive Islamic regime and had a powerful conversion to Christianity in 1999. Shahram's unique background includes experience as a pastor, police officer, teacher, coach, and servant leader in his community.
Hadian believes that the antichrist prophesied in Revelation will use existing religions to "merge" under the umbrella of a One World Religion. He believes Islam leaders have already initiated deceptive campaigns toward that end, including "dialogue" with leaders representing Christianity and Judaism.

As prophetic scriptures including re-establishment of the nation of Israel come to pass, he suggested Christians are called to be "watchmen," holding up all "one world" developments against the truth of the Bible. Rather than feeling despair and a sense that "nothing can be done," Hadian urged his audience to read the Bible, share the gospel, encourage one another and "Contend earnestly for the faith." (Jude 3)

For more information, including details about the Abrahamic Family House, visit the Truth in Love website at https://www.tilministry.com.

(Photo: Pastor Hadian in Oak Harbor, Washington, February 26, 2023)


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

A future and a hope

Scripture card featuring a photo by my 15-year-old granddaughter. We pray for her, for the future and hope in Christ Jesus.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Jesus: The Light of mankind

    Without surrendering his or her life to Jesus the Redeemer, one walks this life in darkness ...

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Unfailing love

God's love is for everyone. After all, He created us in His image and distinguished us from other creatures by giving us an eternal spirit and the freedom to choose. But that does not mean we are all His children, that all will ultimately be gathered in Heaven for eternity. In order to be called His child each must acknowledge Him as Father (choose). In order to be redeemed (saved) each must admit his or her sin, repent (turn away) from it and surrender this life to Jesus Christ His Son. Each must "die" spiritually in order to be graced with the gifts of forgiveness and everlasting life. Nothing to be "accomplished" (works), but only to obey, turn into His loving arms. No longer "self," but a creature born anew with Christ living in your heart.