
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Trust in the Lord

I love this passage from Jeremiah.

And speaking of "blessed," I am ... in countless ways. The photograph in this eCard, for example, was taken on a hike to an island bluff near my home. After suffering a cardiac arrest in March 2022 this hike was not possible for many months, but by God's grace and healing touch I am alive ... and growing stronger with time.

This hike requires a bit of climbing, but I celebrated again yesterday that I can reach the top without stopping periodically to gather my strength, my breath.

There is joy in the making of these eCards, which feature photos I take on my hikes and walks. There is joy in putting the images together with Scripture. There is joy in sharing with brothers and sisters via text and email ... and there is great joy in hearing back that the eCard and scripture were a blessing to the recipient!

Another word for "blessed" is "happy."

Oh, happy day, when Jesus washed my sins away! I will walk with Him in joy until He takes me home.

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