
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Monday, May 8, 2023

Who, me?!

I was reminded yesterday in a Bible study that Jesus did not recruit His apostles from the ranks of “the educated” -- or the “professional” religious leaders of the day, but from the grassroots -- working stiffs simply trying to make it through this difficult life.

In fact, we know from the gospels that religious leaders of the day took issue with Jesus followers such as Matthew the tax collector. After all, Jews working for the Romans were held in contempt for their collaboration with the enemy. The common practice among tax collectors was not only to collect money for the Romans, but to fudge the numbers to line their own pockets.
As was the case with every person Jesus encountered, He looked on tax collector Matthew with love, with a plan to “invest” in his life in a way no one else could.
When Jesus said to each of His apostles, “Follow Me,” He was demonstrating that He valued each man for who he was, warts and all -- and expressing His confidence in who they could be, changed forever by His gift of forgiveness and salvation. What an incredible privilege It must have been to accept that invitation!
Today Jesus continues to extend that invitation! When we the wounded, the broken, the hopeless acknowledge our desperate need for The Glorious Physician, He takes us into His arms and we are healed! Thank you, Jesus, for your love, a love that will last for eternity!

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