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Sunday, April 25, 2010

God does not tempt

From the 1994 collection of the Rev. Billy Graham's writings, titled: The Faithful Christian:

"There are some temptations from which we should flee and others which we must endure and conquer. However, good advice is to avoid temptation whenever possible. Our rule of life should be not to see how near we can live to the world and still keep the name of Christian, but on the contrary, to keep just as far away as possible. We are not to see how much we can tamper and meddle with the things of the world, but to see how far away we can keep from those things which would be displeasing to God. If the will is kept firm, God comes to the rescue. He grants grace to do His bidding and to overcome temptation. We fail to overcome temptation when we forget to trust the Lord or when we are too lazy or too proud to call on His strength. The natural, easy, pleasing way is self indulgence and moral softness. The hard way is self-denial and self-discipline, which, incidentally, is commanded in the Word of God. We have too many soft Christians today!"

"One of the best ways to overcome temptation is to keep busy for the Lord. Find something to do for Him. See to serve Him. Once you are willing, He will open innumerable doors of service for you. One good rule to follow is this: Any pleasure which tends to make us more companionable with unbelievers and less sociable with believers is to be avoided. In fact, avoidance of danger when it comes to temptation is a principle in itself."

Psalm 73:26
"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

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