
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Spurgeon and the Centurion

From C.H. Spurgeon, October 2, 1887:
"I want you to believe, dear Hearts, that our Lord Jesus Christ, no longer here in the flesh, but risen from the dead, is clothed with power equal to that which He had in the centurion's day! No, that He is clothed with even greater power, for after His Resurrection He said, "All power is given to Me in Heaven and in earth." And then I want to believe that He is prepared to turn all that power in your direction so as to work for your deliverance from spiritual death, your rescue from the power of sin, your help in the way of Providence, your guidance in the way of wisdom, or whatever, out of ten thousand things, may happen to be the need of this present moment! Oh, that He, who gave such faith as this to the centurion at Capernaum, would give like precious faith to many of you, that you, also, may glorify and bless His holy name!"

I will share more from Spurgeon's "Centurion" sermon at a later date.

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