
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

This is not my home

When I reflect on my life, I am convicted by my fleshly habit of allowing the noise and confusion of the world draw me away from the precious gift of relationship with Jesus Christ, my Redeemer King. "Pray without ceasing?!" Wow. I spend far too much time focused on this world, allowing my senses and my selfishness to distract me from His desire to be in relationship with me, every moment, every hour ... always.

This morning I spent some time reading from Chip Ingram's "Living on the Edge," a study of Romans 12 and the goal of experiencing true spirituality. Ingram writes of the three basic questions all people must ask themselves ... and he notes our resistance to pondering these questions. The fact that we confess Christ as our Lord and Savior does not render us immune to the human inclination to "hide" from these questions. Ingram wrote:

"It is far easier to accept predigested religious answers and dive into energizing activities than it is to work through the sometimes painful and difficult process of 'being still and knowing He is God.' But quietness and stillness are required in order for God to tell you 1) who you are, 2) why you are here and 3) what you are supposed to do with your life."

I give thanks this morning for God's faithfulness to His beloved ... for His unconditional love and for the gift, through His Son, of redemption and assurance of life eternal with Him. I pray that I will continue to obey His prompting to spend more time with Him ... to experience the joy He offers as I surrender my will in service to Him, that He might be glorified.

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