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Friday, August 6, 2010

Missionary 'jet lag'

I was privileged recently to join others in attendance at a gathering where David Grove (pictured here) outlined his plans for mission work in Uganda. In the meantime, David and others from the Skagit County-based Harvest Vision Ministries made one of their regular trips to Mexico. On their way back, David wrote of "missionary jet lag," and he shared insights from which all believers can benefit. Excerpts of that note appear below:

"Although there was no jet involved, the long hours of ministry with little sleep, combined with long journeys to and from Mexico, led to a condition many can relate to in the expression 'jet lag.' As our team hit a rest stop on the way home to have a bite to eat and share a word of encouragement with each other, the word 'rest' resonated with our spirits."

"We all know that rest is a weapon of spiritual warfare, but what does 'spiritual rest' look like? Jesus related everything we think we need physically to a true spiritual need. He who ate His flesh would never go hungry or die. He who thirsted and drank His blood would never thirst, but living waters would flow through. The light of this world fades, but He is the Light of men."

"Hebrews 4 talks about 'sabbath rest,' but was God really concerned with a specific day, or does the command 'rest' also point to Himself? What He says is that we can rest from our works ... and rest in His righteousness, inherited by those who believe in the cross, death and resurrection."

"Jesus says, 'Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.' That means that the certain day of rest is today and every day, for His mercies are new every day. We are to deny ourselves daily and pick up the cross."

"All that being said, our mission is not over. Missions means making disciples of nations/people groups throughout the world. The command is to 'Go.' No command was ever given to wait, to stop or to seek Him as to whether we should go. Once He gave the command to go, that meant keep going, let nothing stop you. I AM is with you, and His will is to go until that last day, and to run like we want to win the prize."

"So let us continually find our life in Jesus, and not the things of this world. Let us follow Jesus to the Father, and not look to man or this world to lead us to Him. For the food, light, healing and rest of this world lead to death, but the true food, drink, light, healing and rest come from Jesus."

"So let us overcome as He has overcome the world, and hold fast to Him. Much was done in Mexico, and much is left to do. We are all excited to see you soon. In His love, David Grove and the Harvest Mexico team."

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