
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Seeking His wisdom

This morning, gathered with three brothers before the break of day, I was blessed with a reminder of the priceless value of the gift of wisdom. Our men's group, after all, is built around the common denominators of fatherhood and a desire to be godly husbands/fathers. Today there was reference to last Sunday's teaching, which focused on Proverbs 1 and the subject of wisdom. There we read in part (Prov. 1:7):

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline (instruction)."

From the beginning, I have felt privileged to be part of this dad's group. I am the only man there with adult children AND grandchildren to boot. Today, as we shared and prayed, I was reminded once again what a great gift it was to live a childhood with role models including a godly father and grandfather. I was reminded what a gift it is to live in continued fellowship with godly men such as those in this "dad's group."

I was also reminded that my ongoing prayers for wisdom should include a request for discernment -- Holy Spirit promptings such as when to speak and when to stay silent; when to engage, and when to walk away; when to pray against challenging circumstances, and when to pray that those circumstances might be embraced, recognized as God's tools.

Most of all, I recall today that I must rely on the Lord for the wisdom -- and the courage -- to see and deny my natural inclinations to place myself above Him and others. I give thanks for his limitless grace.

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