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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Behold the Man -- a men's conference

On January 28 I enjoyed the fellowship of 900-plus Christian men gathered for a one-day conference at Calvary Fellowship in Mountlake Terrace. In addition to wonderful worship and prayer, the day featured four speakers: Ben Courson, Brian Holman, Mike MacIntosh and rap artist This'l.

From Courson, my notes included a challenge to "do the thing that scares you the most." Satan, he suggested, "often speaks to us through a well-meaning friend." He urged those in his audience to "do that which, without God, is doomed to fail."

From MacIntosh: "A godly man has a heart for Christ; stop at the cross, and give Him your heart;" and "Take it seriously that God is calling you, and has a precise mission for you."

From This'l: Culture tells us that a man is judged to be "successful" based on things like material possessions and sexual prowess. A godly man models his life after Jesus Christ, and is willing to fight for his family, church, community. He wore a shirt bearing the words of one of his songs: "I signed up to die," referencing the decision to "die to self" and live for Jesus.

From Holman, a former professional baseball pitcher: "Never quit. Trust in God. Never give up;" and "Failure is inevitable, but it cannot derail God's plan for your life. It can only test your resolve. Use failure as a fuel. Fear is what stands between a man and an extraordinary life."

To hear each speaker's entire presentation, go to the following:

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