
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Thursday, December 31, 2015

With my song I will praise Him

I worship with song. In fellowship, we worship with song. The Father loves our worship!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Joy in His promises

Only a follower of Christ can know the assurance, the joy, that come with the promises of the Father. "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever." When a fellow believer dies we grieve like anyone else, but our distinct response as Christians is not "Goodbye," but "See you soon!"
2 Corinthians 5:8 KJV

"We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord."

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Battling cacophony

More Word. Fewer words.

"O how I love Your law!
It is my meditation every day.
Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies,
For they are ever mine.
I have more insight than all my teachers,
For Your testimonies are my meditation.
I understand more than the aged,
Because I have observed Your precepts.
I have restrained my feet from every evil way,
That I may keep Your word.
I have not turned aside from Your ordinanances,
For You Yourself have taught me.
How sweet are Your words to my taste!
Yes, sweeter than honey in my mouth!
From Your precepts I get understanding;
Therefore I hate every false way."
Psalm 199:97-104

More (of His Word). Fewer (of man's) words.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Not "unbroken," but surrendered and saved

I encourage anyone who has not heard the story of the late Louie Zamperini to watch the attached interview with Pastor Greg Laurie of Riverside, CA (click on link above photo). Zamperini survived not only an airplane crash and weeks on the sea, but Japanese prison camp as well. He made a pledge to God before being saved from his life raft ... but he forgot that promise until a moment under a revival tent with young evangelist Billy Graham in 1949. He then recalled his promise ... and more importantly he came to grips with the fact that he was lost for eternity but for God's promise through His Son Jesus Christ. His story, like the story of all followers of Christ, is HIS story. Enjoy.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Her story to His glory!

We received with joy a Facebook post from a sweet sister in Christ who lives in Oahu, Hawaii. She, her husband and children have consistently put their trust in the LORD through a series of challenges ranging from temporary homelessness to stage 4 cancer. Through it all, their testimony of faith has served to glorify God.
In her Facebook entry she included a sunset/palm photograph she had taken, accompanied by a treasured Scripture. The entry read: 
"This is an old photo I posted two years ago this month (September 2013). We had no home, (were) in the middle of moving into yet another temporary home, so much unknown in our future. It was so very difficult, but God was teaching me to TRUST Him. Along with this photo I wrote, 'And the righteous shall flourish like a palm tree.' Psalm 92:12
"We hung in there, made it through six different homes in six months, Stage 4 cancer, healed with nutrition and great faith."
"Researching about palm trees, this is what I found: they grow upright, under the greatest pressures, and rise upwards against the greatest weight upon them."
She continued: "We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us! He is my Rock, my Love, my Savior, my All. And I belong to Him ~ He is mine and I am His. Thank you Jesus for everything!"
In response to one of many comments to her entry, she concluded: "At the time I wrote that scripture, I was clinging to the Lord and His comforting word. I had a mix of great faith and great fear. I now walk with Jesus in such peace and great faith. Fear no longer holds me captive. His word is TRUE! It is all for Jesus, and to Him goes all the glory. It's His story alone, and I am just grateful to be a part of it. God bless you all! He is faithful!"

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

'Chrislam' is a lie

We listened the other night to Eastern Washington Pastor Shahram Hadian, a former Muslim who converted to Christianity in 1999. In an impassioned presentation regarding so-called "Chrislam," Hadian argued there is absolutely no commonality between the God of Christianity and Islam's Allah. American Christians in particular, he said, must study the foundations of Islam theology and then be prepared to step up and "speak the truth in love" as misstatements and outright lies become more and more common in the media and even in churches. "Islam," he said, "is an absolute perversion of the Word of God," completely incompatible with a church whose cornerstone is Jesus Christ, Son of God. He urged his audience to speak out against those who claim "a common good between Christianity and Islam." One assertion of Islam alone -- that Jesus was a prophet and NOT the Son of God -- creates a chasm between Christians and Muslims. In fact, the Christian truth of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is apostasy according to the Qu'ran, Islam's holy word. And while Christians believe Christ's death on the cross is the key to God's promise of salvation (eternal life), Muslims have no such assurance (other than a martyr's death). For more about this Iranian-born Christian's life story and ministry, visit Truth in Love Church.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

God loves His children

A brother in Christ shared this awesome Scripture during prayer this week. Then today I took this photo of one of my favorite garden flowers. A perfect combination. An e-card was born!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Encouragement from a father

In sorting through files the other day I discovered a three page note from my father, written on March 1, 1969. This note, which is very special to me, is made even more so when I see the markings of smoke damage around the edges. It was among the few documents and photographs saved from a fire that destroyed my rental home when I was 26 years old.

At the time this note was written I was 16 years old, just two weeks short of my 17th birthday. Dad was in Washington, D.C., separated from his wife and six children yet again as his career in politics called him away -- this time for a bit longer than usual.

It is obvious Dad's letter is written in response to a letter he had received from me. I would love to know the content of that note. It is clear that I was experiencing some teen-age angst, as he opens one paragraph: "I think I know from memory some of the thoughts and problems that 'bug' you at this point."

Still, it is not the details of that letter exchange that matter so much today. Rather, I am reminded of the priceless blessing of growing up with godly parents -- especially a father who acknowledged that his strength, his hope -- were in the Lord.

"Talking to others your age is good," Dad wrote. "Too few adults know how to be helpful even tho they mean well."

Then he wrote: "Prayer may not seem a quick solution to questions and frustrations, but it is the very finest way -- trusting that day by day the best will be because He cares so much about you."

Despite periodic separations from my father in my childhood, and again as a young adult, I never doubted his love for me. Thanks in large part to my dad, I knew that God the Father loves me, too. So much that His plan included His Son's death in my place in order that my sins might be blotted out and I might ultimately live forever in the joy of His perfect presence.

Today my earthly father is in Heaven -- absent from the body, present with the Lord. I live with the joy of the Lord, and with the blessed assurance that we will be reunited, two children of God among those in the priesthood of believers. As my father's brother said at his graveside service: "Not goodbye, but see you soon."

In the mean time, we have Good News to share with the world!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Father in prison tells daughter 'The Answer'

Among those singled out by Jesus for attention and care from His followers are widows, orphans -- and prisoners.
I was struck recently when I encountered a poignant "jail letter," not TO a prisoner, from FROM a prisoner to his child.
The prisoner is Pastor Saeed Abedini, a Christian imprisoned in Iran for the past several years. This letter, written in September 2014, was addressed to his 8-year-old daughter on the occasion of her birthday. While it is deeply personal, it also bears a strong witness to all who call themselves followers of Christ, especially to those whose hearts ache for loved ones saved and not yet saved.
The letter read in part:
"Happy 8th birthday! You are growing so fast and becoming more beautiful every day. I praise God for His faithfulness to me every day as I watch through the prison walls and see pictures and hear stories of how you are growing both spiritually and physically."
"Oh, how I long to see you."
"I know that you question why you have prayed some many times for my return and yet I am not home yet. Now there is a big WHY in your mind and you are asking: WHY Jesus isn't answering your prayers and the prayers of all of the people around the world praying for my release and for me to be home with you and our family."
"The answer to the WHY is WHO. WHO is in control? LORD JESUS CHRIST is in control."
"The answer to the WHY is WHO. The confusion of 'Why has all of this happened?' and why your prayers are not answered yet is resolved with understanding WHO is in control. LORD JESUS CHRIST, our GOD!"
"God is in control of the whole world and everything that is happening in it is for His good purpose, for His glory, and will be worked out for our good (Romans 8:28). Jesus allows me to be kept here for His glory. He is doing something inside each of us and also outside in the world."
"People die and suffer for their Christian faith all over the world, and some may wonder why? But you should know the answer of WHY is WHO. It is for Jesus. He is worth the price. And He has a plan to be glorified through our lives."
"I want you to read the book of Habakkuk. He had the same question as you. But see that the Lord answered him: "... the vision comes and doesn't delay on time. Wait for it." Mommy and I always had big desires to serve Jesus and had great vision to be used for His Kingdom and for His Glory. So today we pay a cost because God, who created us, called us to that."
"And so I want you to know that the answer to all of your prayers is that God is in control, and He knows better than us what He is doing in our lives and all around the world."
The father closes his letter:
"Then my dear beloved daughter Rebekka Grace, I pray God will bring me back home soon. But if not, we will still sing together as Habakkuk did 'Hallelujah!' either separated by prison walls or together at home. So let Daddy hear you sing a loud 'Hallelujah' that I can hear all the way here in the prison! I am so proud of you my sweet courageous daughter. Glory to God forever! Amen."

Monday, March 2, 2015

He is there to see us through

Late last year a dear young friend lost his wife to cancer. During Rebecca’s illness … the battle … she and Michael witnessed to many their faith in Jesus Christ. Often they shared on Facebook. Recently Michael chose to share again, from his heart and from Rebecca’s through a note she wrote before she died. Their thoughts were, and continue to be, worth sharing. Michael opened his Facebook entry:

“So often, we feel as though we need an explanation. We want to know why certain things happen to wonderful people but not to others. We try to justify the events of our lives. I believe it’s this desire for justice that keeps us from finding the peace we are looking for. We are comforted by friends and family who say things like, “Sometimes there just isn't an answer” or “We just aren't meant to know.”

But there is an answer. And I’m going to tell you all what it is.

The answer is that He didn’t promise us a perfect life on this earth. He didn’t promise us a life without pain. He didn’t promise us a life without loss, heartache, sorrow, or injustice. In fact, if anything, He promised us a life full of these things, as well as great joy.

But what He promised us most is that He would be there with us to see us through all of it. And I look at all of you and the ways that you are there for one another and I see the evidence of that with my own eyes.

I have gone back and forth over the course of the past few months as to whether I was going to post this or not. But I feel like there may be some people out there who might receive some comfort from it, and also, I promised her I would. I read this at Rebecca’s memorial. I hope it means as much for all of you to read as it did for her to say:

A message from Rebecca...
“My dear friends and family. I asked Michael to read this for me when I was gone. I hope it doesn’t upset you but I’ve been given the opportunity to do something that most people don't get upon leaving this world. The chance to say goodbye.
I have had a lot of time to pray and reflect upon the ways that I have come to know and love all of you. No matter how briefly or in how small a way, I’m grateful to be connected to you all. I leave in your care my two greatest treasures on this earth, my darling husband and my precious little girl. They are both wonderful people who will undoubtedly be there for all of you in the same way you all have been for us.
Thank you for your tears, although I ask that you please not mourn me for long. I’ve been called home by my Father and am now dancing with the angels. I’m not afraid, more anxious. I don't know what Heaven will be like. My only hope is that I will in some way get to see you all again. Thank you for sharing your lives with me. I love you all dearly. Hugs. Rebecca”

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Let the words of my mouth...

What a sobering question to ponder!

Psalm 34:13 reads: "Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit."

Contrast this verse with Psalm 119:172: "Let my tongue sing of Your word, for all Your commandments are righteousness."

And Psalm 19:14: "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer."

May my words please the LORD. May the words of my mouth, inspired by the Holy Spirit and reflective of the truth of His Word, be used by Him to edify, exhort and encourage!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Bridge Unto the Father

The trip to and from my church includes passage over this bridge, renowned as one of the most beautiful settings in Washington State. Our fellowship includes people from Fidalgo and Whidbey Islands, linked literally by this bridge and spiritually by Jesus: "The Bridge Unto the Father." Thank you, Lord, for the gift of free worship and fellowship among believers! Thank you for the minstrel gifts of our lead shepherd, who penned these words as lyrics to a song.

Monday, February 2, 2015

All that they had

With the news that a defective valve would require open heart surgery, both my wife and I prayed for His peace ... and also that He would be glorified in the process. God was faithful on both counts. The surgery culminated successfully with a repaired valve, as opposed to a replacement, and He has indeed been glorified in many ways. Among my favorite stories is one that features two of our grandchildren. As is often the case in situations such as this, the children recognized there had been a sudden, serious development in our lives. Apparently they heard along the way that arrangements were being made to put Mama and Grammy in a hotel near the out-of-town hospital so they could be close to me during surgery and recuperation. There would be costs associated with this journey, including the hotel bill for a days-long stay. Without fanfare, the children devised a plan. They emptied their piggy banks, crafted handmade love notes and sealed the money in two envelopes. A proud Mama made the delivery ... and hearts were lifted as the loving gifts were received. They gave every penny they had. Sound familiar? "And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites. So He said, 'Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all; for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had'." Luke 21: 1-4.