
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

His peace and power reign

The following is an excerpt from a daily devotional written by Dr. Charles Stanley:
"When the wind, which has been funneled through a narrow gorge, pushes out over the Sea of Galilee, the water becomes turbulent. Jesus and His disciples were caught in just such a dangerous storm while making their way to Gadara. Waves crashed over the deck of the wooden boat. The experienced seamen on board were certain that death was imminent.
"But Jesus was sleeping. He was resting quietly during a storm so frightening that the Greek word used to describe it is seismos — from the same root that gives us the phrase “seismic activity” for earthquakes. What kind of man is this who can sleep while the boat heaves and pitches? The answer is: the One who created the seas and knows how a storm brews and what energy causes a wave to stay in motion. That’s the kind of man: a divine Being cloaked in humanity, who rebuked the winds and sea so that they became perfectly calm.
"Scripture indicates that both the air and the water were instantly stilled. Such is the power of Jesus, the Creator and Lord over the universe. Taken together, all the Bible stories about Jesus reveal the “big picture” that He is the only man worthy of glory, honor, and praise (Dan. 7:13-14)."
And Jesus, the Good Shepherd, extends His arms to all. Acknowledge, repent for your sins, and He will break the chains of sin and death just as He calmed the seas. Die to self, and come ALIVE in Jesus!
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

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