
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Where there is resistance, fight!


“Let me share with you!”

Those words, and the deep sense of love and urgency behind them, echoed in my mind long after my head hit the pillow.

It was in the waning minutes of an online Bible study that one of my brothers spoke about the unquenchable desire he has to share the gospel with others. What struck me about his testimony was the passion demonstrated as he talked about situations where there is flat-out resistance to the message of Christ’s love.

Jason said that whether it is body language (“We’re done here”) or verbal resistance (“That’s fine for you, but I don’t believe that myth”), it is in the threatening moment of rejection that he doubles down on his effort to see a life surrendered to Christ.

Rather than “folding” in the face of resistance, Jason said he is emboldened to keep the conversation going.

(“Such meetings,” I said to myself, “are divine appointments, and my brother wisely recognizes them as such!”)

There were no details about a specific encounter, no particulars about how many people have continued to talk or how many have walked away. But those of us listening to our brother for these few minutes saw the heart of a man who was lost … and then found in Christ. We “heard” the heart of a dead man brought to life by God’s grace.

“Let me share with you!” Jason cries, rather than doing the easy thing and walking away.

To us, his brothers and sisters, he exclaims: “That’s what we are called to do!” This is a spiritual battle, we are reminded, and we are called to fight!

Have you heard the “parable” of a man who encounters another who is moving at full speed, oblivious to the damaged bridge and sure death that lies ahead? The question: “Given what the first man knows about the fate that lies ahead for the other, would he not say or do anything he could to stop him from continuing on this deadly path?”

Our “commission” as followers of Christ is to “go and make disciples of all nations,” to “teach them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

Jason’s admirable passion for witnessing to those who do not yet know Jesus Christ reminded me that the Father’s desire is that ALL would be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). As such, He fills our lives with “divine appointments” – opportunities to share the gospel and to tell how relationship with Jesus changed our lives forever.

Lord, you call us to love, yes. But also to fight, wielding the sword of the Word, delivering the Truth to those who without it face the prospect of eternal anguish and isolation, separated forever from You. Give us Your strength to step up boldly in love, trusting that the Holy Spirit will provide the specific words each lost soul needs to hear at that appointed time. Amen

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