
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Be encouraged to speak the name of Jesus!

A dramatic morning sky sent me scurrying for my camera. I was impressed some time later when I put the image on my computer monitor. Rather than clouds, the elements of the sky scene made me think of the words: "Sea of fire."

I thought immediately of the book of Revelation and prophecy regarding God's judgments during the period of time most often referred to as The Tribulation. I soon found myself in Chapter 9, where I read once again of hate-filled people who will shake their fists at God even as He reveals His limitless power in judgment over a carnal world.

After I created the Scripture card I sent it to a brother in Christ, noting: "I usually try to create encouraging scripture cards."

It was only after sending this note that I realized this scripture card IS a word of encouragement to Christ followers. The sobering truth that Christians understand is this: "We choose to acknowledge our sin and accept Christ's free gift of salvation ... or we reject Him, "choosing" separation from Him.

Just as it is wonderful to consider a life walking with Christ -- here and for eternity -- it is heartbreaking to know there are countless people who have chosen/will choose to stand apart from the Redeemer King. Their decision will have eternal consequences, as our spiritual selves do not cease to exist. Hell is a very real place, where each one is condemned to a life of isolation, anguish ... and awareness that those who accepted Christ's redemption are living in Heaven for eternity.

It is in consideration of the reality of separation from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit that we believers should be encouraged to share the Good News that Jesus is THE WAY, leading to a new life here and forever.

As followers of Christ we are called to love others as He does. If we love them, how can we do anything but share about life with Him? For some, this is easier than for others. I was encouraged by a pastor whose Sunday message suggested: "Just open your mouth, ask if you can share something from your heart ... and get out of the way as the Holy Spirit takes charge."

Prophecy and world events give strong indications that Christ will return soon to take His church away from this world before judging it. May we as believers be encouraged daily to embrace any role God has for us in presenting the gospel and possibly seeing another person surrender his or her life to Christ!

"... if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved." Romans 10:9


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