
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas message from 1962

I was 10 years old and living with my family in Northern Virginia during what has been characterized as "the Cuban Missile Crisis." That event, which took place over a tense period of days in October, centered around discovery by the U.S. that the USSR was preparing missile sites in Cuba. In the midst of the "Cold War" following WWII, young President John F. Kennedy took action including the order of Navy ships to the region. Ultimately Nikita Khrushchev of the USSR announced his nation would abandon its Cuban project. History has shown that we came precariously close to a nuclear war. As a young sailor in WWII my father had seen firsthand the awesome power of nuclear weapons. He had flown over Japan in the wake of a pair of nuclear bombs dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. My father's Christmas message as a guest preacher a few weeks later used the 1962 missile crisis to reflect on our mortality, and the gracious invitation by our Father to accept His Son as our Savior so that death might "lose its sting." That message follows:

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16

Never has peace seemed so infinitely impossible, as men understand peace. Never have men been so apprehensive about the threat to their way of life, even life itself. And never has there been such good reason.

Men without Christ have been able to celebrate His birthday in their own way in past years, and in their own way enjoy a kind of peace that for the most part avoided physical danger. Now, for anyone without Christ, some of the glitter is gone and satisfaction formerly content with earthbound pleasure is less than enough.

And now, happily, there still peals, as ever present and eternal as God Himself, the joyous gospel story of the gift of Jesus to all mankind … and with Him, peace! Not world peace, necessarily, but a peace that passes all understanding.

Many have missed the tremendous truth of the Christmas story for all of their lives, while celebrating the first telling of it so many years ago by angels at the hamlet of Bethlehem. In times of adversity, of mental anguish and consternation for what may happen to self and to loved ones if the powers of hate and greed that pace half the world should suddenly turn and begin the holocaust of murder and destruction that every responsible person knows is possible … in times like these, many are more inclined to stop and ponder the truth of that Christmas message, and to inquire whether it affords a way out.

That answer that comes ringing out of Heaven itself is: “Yes, beloved soul! Christ was born to die that you might live.”

There is salvation in a look, not at the tender manger scene alone, but beyond to Golgotha, where hung Christ the Savior of mankind. A look to Him, to the risen, victorious Savior, and a sincere plea for help, brings the Christmas peace, the peace that tells that soul that come what may, there will be a new Heaven and a new earth … and all of this terror will have passed away.

At this season each in his or her own way ponders the blessings of our land, of our way of life. We are warmed anew with good fellowship, with giving of gifts, of sharing with the less fortunate; with the singing of hymns and carols, and the reading and hearing once more of the Christmas story.

Here let us pause … the hearing of the Christmas story … this year let us earnestly read and hear it and not let it go until we possess the peace it speaks of. It can be had. When it is prayerfully read and God’s Spirit is permitted to carry us further into the wealth and treasure of His word, there will come peace. Not immediately between nations, but one by one, the hearts of men receive it and hold fast and begin to live it and tell it to others, and its power works miracle after miracle.

Every American is thankful for those who meet at the parlay tables, and those who give their lives to the cause of peace. Many of us pray for their success … but knowing that even sincere men can fail, may we turn individually to God and seek His peace within us first … and then turn the love of Christ and all its power to as much true peace as there remains time for.

Will you believe that there are people who do not worry much about the prospect of atomic death without warning? There is a way to a sure confidence that were death to come this day, life will have just begun. Ways and means of waging war and inflicting destruction change and become more terrible, but men do not change in their basic nature, loves, loyalties, fears and hopes, because God has planted in the soul of every man a hunger to know God and peace. The desire is often perverted and many die trying alone to find their destiny. How tragic this is so. Still, Christ stands with open arms and calls confused, twisted and lost men and women to His peace, His salvation for now and all eternity.

Let us pray. Dear Heavenly Father, let this be the last hopeless Christmas for all who hear, and the first truly joyous Christmas for as many as yet wander apart from Your peace and assurance that life was given to all this day in Bethlehem if we will but take the gift of Jesus in whose name we pray. Amen.

Sermon by Buehl Berentson

Friday, December 23, 2016

Ladybug tale page two

Ladybug tale page two. See preceding post to begin story. More to come...

Ladybug tale for children

I was inspired a few years back by a little girl's health struggle to combine ladybug photos with a story intended to encourage. This is the first page of that story, since expanded and shared with grandchildren.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Beware the comfortable nest

This may be a bit of a stretch, but a recent study that referenced the apostle Paul's "thorn in the flesh" reminded me of a story I once heard about immature eagles.

Purportedly, many baby eagles are more inclined to remain in the familiar comfort of the nest than they are to venture out on the first flight. Accordingly, the parent eagle begins at some point to disassemble the "cushy" elements of the interior of the nest, removing such things as fur and feathers that made the nest comfortable. At some point (no pun intended), the sticks and branches making up the nest begin to poke at the immature eagle, making life there downright uncomfortable.

This is where I was reminded that my repeated tendency in my walk with Christ is to "nest," putting my desire to be comfortable ahead of the course of action the LORD would draw me into. Even a brief reflection on my walk with Jesus reminds me that He has always been faithful when I submit my will to His.

As a dear brother continually urges in prayer with me and others: "Ask the LORD, 'What are you doing here? What is Your part for me in this plan, and how can I most quickly align myself with it?'"

I recognize that some young eagles eagerly test their wings and move into the adventures of life outside the nest. I fear, however, that regardless of our age, most of us need to be poked and prodded to "take flight" in a spiritual sense.

May I (we) be always aware of the temptation to "nest." May I (we) resist in Jesus' name, experiencing the exhilaration of flight -- with the Father providing "the wind beneath our wings."

Thursday, December 8, 2016

God's healing hand

I created this card this morning in the wake of news that a brother in Christ has been declared cancer free!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Believe the promise

A wonderful e-card for this gray time of year, featuring a poem written by the late Ruth Kleven, a wonderful sister in Christ. Tulips are from past season in the Skagit Valley.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Spirit inspired poem

The poet whose words appear here is Ruth Kleven, a sister in Christ who recently marked her 104th birthday! Ruth credits the Holy Spirit with inspiration to write several dozen poems in the mid-Sixties, culminating with publication of a small book she titled: "For the Praise of His Glory."

Monday, August 8, 2016

Free in Christ!

I took this photo a few days ago in a local shipyard, thought immediately of how chains have been broken across the ages as lost souls surrender their lives -- their hearts -- to Jesus Christ! To God be the glory!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

God and work

In cleaning my office today I discovered a very nice journal in one of my stacks. It has only a single entry on its opening page. The date was June 25, 2007, and my entry follows:

God tells us to rest in Him. He tells us not to fear. We are to surrender all to Him, including our fears about "providing." That does not change when we take a job, marry, become fathers, assume leadership roles in the body. We are still -- always -- to seek His will and to enter into His plan with our eyes fixed on Jesus, after Whom we are to model our lives, and place our hopes for the future (eternity!).

Our work, meant by the enemy to be a source of stress and separation from God, should be delivered over to Him so that it, like the rest of our earthly endeavors, can serve to glorify Him. Our "job" should be to seek continued opportunity to worship and glorify "I am."

Saturday, July 16, 2016

'Become like children'

In a season of my life that now includes grandchildren, I have developed a deep appreciation for parents who are committed to introducing their children to Jesus. To walking out their faith with the young ones as they grow, both literally and spiritually, in a culture that is increasingly hostile to the truth who is Jesus Christ.

I am blessed to know many families who are serving the LORD, including some who have opted to home school their children.

My heart was touched this week by the blog of one such mom, a young widow who has courageously elected to juggle work, parenting and home schooling responsibilities. Whew!

The blog post that moved me referenced her two boys and their relationship with a neighbor boy. When her youngest discovered his new friend did not believe in Jesus, he was upset. A wise mother responded to his anguish, noting that there are many people in this world who do not believe in Jesus. We are called to "explain God" to them, she said. When she asked how he might do that, her son "rolled his eyes and threw up his hands and said, 'Duh! Just look around at all this nature. It didn't just happen!"

A few days later mom overheard her two sons talking outside. "Hell is a lonely place," said the elder. "You don't wanna go there."

When the younger son came in the house he was visibly upset. Pointing to his heart he said to his mother: "It hurts in here, like I'm twisted up inside. I really don't want him (new friend) to go to hell."

As I noted in a response to my sister in Christ, I was convicted as she was by her son's heartache. She posed the question at the end of her blog post: "Do I ache like that for those who are lost?" She then gave praise to God for the boldness her sons have to talk to people about Jesus. "May that never change!" she wrote. "And LORD, give me a heart like yours."

I "second" that prayer, and add an intercessory appeal that the Holy Spirit will continue to teach, strengthen and encourage all Christian parents as they walk with the LORD through this joyful but challenging season in their lives.

"And He (Jesus) called a child to Himself and set him before them, and said,“Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:2 (NASB)

Link to Lisa's blog: "Learning Life's Lessons."

Friday, June 24, 2016

Father, Son and Holy Spirit

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you." John 14:26

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Swallowed up in His will

Technology has its rewards. My day started off with a precious blessing Monday when I received this text from my daughter:

"Praying your day is filled with surrender to our Lord with each new situation that unfolds. I pray that your heart will be swallowed up in His will in order that your life in Christ would continually reflect His glory. Love you…"

Colossians 1: 10-11
“… that you may walk (live and conduct yourselves) in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him and desiring to please Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work and steadily growing and increasing in and by the knowledge of God (with fuller, deeper, and clearer insight, acquaintance and recognition). We pray that you may be invigorated and strengthened with all power according to the might of His glory.”

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Through it all, He is with me

I woke up recently with a renewed clarity that I believe was sent from the LORD. I faced a particularly busy day, with even more varied assignments scheduled for coming days.

My understanding that morning was this: Life with Christ is an adventure, but the reality is that we must be prepared for challenges as well as peace and tranquility as we "walk" with Him through this life.

On one day I will enjoy our LORD's company as "He leads me beside still waters." On another, I will cry out His name and desperately seek His hand of support as I find myself in "the valley of the shadow of death."

I have experienced the grip of fear as a father who has just lost his job. I have suffered the anguish associated with selfish decisions that impacted the lives of others. I have lived in mourning in the wake of the death of a loved one.

I have also experienced the joy of a wedding day, and the births of healthy children. I have witnessed the power of Christian fellowship, and been on the receiving end of powerful intercessory prayer.

So how do I live a life prepared for not only the "strolls" with the LORD but for the seemingly insurmountable obstacles that I encounter?

I recall that God, the LORD Almighty, is a God of relationship as demonstrated so lovingly in Christ's life on this earth. I recall details of the incredible journey that began when I surrendered my life to Christ

Our God, dear brothers and sisters, is a faithful God, and He is love. We are pilgrims, walking in faith in this life as we prepare for life eternal with the Father. Christ miraculously dwells in our hearts, ALWAYS with us no matter the circumstance.

"Though I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil, for Thou art with me." (Psalm 23)

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." (Hebrews 10:23)
"I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5)

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Special delivery

I created this e-card this morning, marrying an image I took last year on a family adventure with a Scripture sent by son Brian as my wife prepared for a medical procedure. Brian was "team leader" last year on an unforgettable mountain adventure that yielded many beautiful images. We truly experienced God's creative genius that day. When I shared this e-card with a friend today I initially noted the Psalm was delivered by Brian to my wife at the perfect time. Correction: It was delivered at the perfect time by a loving, ever-attentive Father who used his loving servant Brian as courier. He is faithful! He is our Rock!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


I received a special treat this morning in response to an email I sent to my daughter featuring Thomas Boston's statement on "Praying in the name of Christ." She emailed me a photo of the latest message on her giant home school chalkboard. (left click on image to see larger version)

The central passage on the board is 1 Thessalonians 5:18: "Give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." Among other elements of the message are examples of wise counsel to young and old alike: "Fix your eyes upon Jesus" and "Let Jesus be Jesus in you."

What a precious privilege, an awesome directive, to be called to reveal Christ to others in our words and actions. As Boston wrote, we can take our encouragement from Jesus: "Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through many heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:14-16

God's will. In Christ, depending wholly on His merit and intercession. Jesus Christ, Redeemer King, is indeed the Way. The only way.

Monday, April 25, 2016

"Just because" note

From time to time my daughter reaches out with a "just because" love note. This one came a few days back when I was under the weather, calling to my remembrance Galatians 2:20: "I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live but Christ in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave His life for me." Old man dead. Christ in me. Wow! Thank you, Jesus!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

One way. Hurray!

Satan, the accuser, is frantically active these days as the return of Christ draws closer.
There is pressure, even in the Christian church, to believe the lie.

One of those lies is this. Satan charges: “What!? Only one way to Heaven?! Surely a god of love will welcome all, no matter what path they have chosen to take to the next life.”

But Jesus Himself said: “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except by me.”

If I was in a burning building and someone called me to the one way out of the building and sure death, would I complain that there were no OTHER exits to safety? That's ridiculous.

Here is the truth. God created us in His own image, setting us apart from all other creatures. He invited us to walk and talk with Him … but He gave us the choice to deny that invitation.

Adam and Eve chose to believe Satan’s lie and defy God’s will. Since that time all people, we are told in the Bible, have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

But in His grace, God offered a way to once again walk and talk with Him as He intended from the beginning … and The Way includes the promise of life eternal with him.

Jesus Christ is indeed the only way. Is that reason to question God?! To offer an enlightened alternative?! Of course not.

Jesus is the Good News … the AMAZING news. He is THE way unto the Father, and for that we must all be grateful.

Thank you, Father, for your invitation to relationship. You are light, perfection … and cannot abide the darkness of sin … but in Your Son, our Redeemer King, you have provided a way … THE WAY … to forgiveness and the promise that though our sins be like scarlet, they will be washed white as snow.

We thank you Jesus, the perfect Lamb, for taking on our sins, and for the promise of your return to gather your sheep.