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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Jesus "astonished" by Centurion's faith

I recently received an email from a friend, linking me to a report by Pastor David Ortiz of Ariel, Israel. In part of a narrative regarding his ministry travels, Ortiz wrote: "There are many instances in the Bible where it says the people, the disciples, Joseph and Miriram, and even the governor Pontius Pilate, were astonished. But within scripture, there are only two times that Yeshua (Jesus Christ) was astonished."
Ortiz cites Christ's visit to his hometown as one of the two scriptures where the word "astonished" was used to describe the Lord's emotions. He was astonished by their cynicism and lack of faith.
The other story is that of the Roman centurion who tracks Jesus down in search of a healing.
"An Italian centurion who had 100 soldiers under his command understood that in the nature of the chain of command, Yeshua's authority was the highest," wrote Ortiz, "and that He only had to say the word and his servant would be healed. It says that Yeshua was astonished by his faith (Matthew 8:5-13).
During a recent Men's Fraternity study (The Quest for Authentic Manhood) we examined characteristics of a godly man, which include: 1) reject passivity 2) accept responsibility 3) lead courageously and 4) expect God's greater reward. Last night at a Bible study we were reminded of the incident of the storm on the sea, which Jesus calmed by simply ordering: "Peace! Be still." (Mark 4:35)
I pray that like the centurion, I will come to the Father's throne boldly, with a full understanding of His power; that I will not mumble half-hearted requests, but will pray with confidence for His greater reward, according to His will, and all to His glory.
For more information about Pastor David Ortiz and his ministry in Israel, see http://www.amiortiz.com/ (a website created in the wake of a bombing that left Ortiz' son Ami with disabilities ... but alive!).

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