
This is a website dedicated to Jesus Christ.
It will be "a work in progress," reflecting the Lord's

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Be encouraged to speak the name of Jesus!

A dramatic morning sky sent me scurrying for my camera. I was impressed some time later when I put the image on my computer monitor. Rather than clouds, the elements of the sky scene made me think of the words: "Sea of fire."

I thought immediately of the book of Revelation and prophecy regarding God's judgments during the period of time most often referred to as The Tribulation. I soon found myself in Chapter 9, where I read once again of hate-filled people who will shake their fists at God even as He reveals His limitless power in judgment over a carnal world.

After I created the Scripture card I sent it to a brother in Christ, noting: "I usually try to create encouraging scripture cards."

It was only after sending this note that I realized this scripture card IS a word of encouragement to Christ followers. The sobering truth that Christians understand is this: "We choose to acknowledge our sin and accept Christ's free gift of salvation ... or we reject Him, "choosing" separation from Him.

Just as it is wonderful to consider a life walking with Christ -- here and for eternity -- it is heartbreaking to know there are countless people who have chosen/will choose to stand apart from the Redeemer King. Their decision will have eternal consequences, as our spiritual selves do not cease to exist. Hell is a very real place, where each one is condemned to a life of isolation, anguish ... and awareness that those who accepted Christ's redemption are living in Heaven for eternity.

It is in consideration of the reality of separation from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit that we believers should be encouraged to share the Good News that Jesus is THE WAY, leading to a new life here and forever.

As followers of Christ we are called to love others as He does. If we love them, how can we do anything but share about life with Him? For some, this is easier than for others. I was encouraged by a pastor whose Sunday message suggested: "Just open your mouth, ask if you can share something from your heart ... and get out of the way as the Holy Spirit takes charge."

Prophecy and world events give strong indications that Christ will return soon to take His church away from this world before judging it. May we as believers be encouraged daily to embrace any role God has for us in presenting the gospel and possibly seeing another person surrender his or her life to Christ!

"... if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved." Romans 10:9


Saturday, October 9, 2021

 Yesterday when I was sorting through desk drawers I discovered a small tract with the cover title: "If I gained the world, but lost the Savior." I don't recall how it came into my possession, but on the back in shaky script is the word "Mother."

Inside was a treasure -- a four stanza poem written under the title referenced above. There was no attribution on the tract, so I went to the internet and there it was: a 1904 hymn written by Anna Olander of Sweden, daughter of a teacher and pastor.

There is a reason the hymn was included in dozens of church hymnals "back in the day." I won't print all four verses, but this one in particular touched my heart:

"O the joy of having all in Jesus!

What a balm the broken heart to heal!

Ne'er a sin so great, but He'll forgive it,

Nor a sorrow that He does not feel!

If I have but Jesus, only Jesus,

Nothing else in all the world beside --

O then ev'rything is mine in Jesus;

For my needs and more He will provide."

Oh, precious Savior, I give thanks again for the precious reality that while I was yet a sinner (Your enemy) You came to save me. There is nothing this world has to offer in comparison to a life surrendered under Your lordship. I pray that in these increasingly troubled times worldwide, countless people will hear the gospel message and come into Your outstretched arms. You, and You alone, can save the soul destined for either Heaven or Hell. Thank you for your love.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Granddaughter's art inspires eCard

When granddaughter Hallie gave us this handcrafted card featuring her watercolor art, it was an easy decision to add her name and a scripture to create an eCard. "Blessed be the name of the Lord!"

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

'My feet have not slipped'

 A "silver lining" element of the stifling impact of COVID-19 lockdown measures has been a personal motivation to take more walks and hikes in this beautiful corner of the Pacific Northwest. Those adventures generally present opportunities to take photos such as the one printed above.

I can then combine my passions for photography and the word to create eCards to share with others.

Yesterday, on this walk alone from beach to the highway bridge above, I looked at the rock wall adjacent to the path and thought of Jesus: rock/fortress. No skinny wire fence, no split rail, but a substantial stone wall protecting the hiker from a precipitous bluff.

With Jesus, my rock, I can continue on this walk of life with full confidence that He is there with me always, protecting me and in worst case, standing with me through painful (even life threatening) stretches of that journey this side of Heaven.

Thank you, Jesus, for your promise to love me, to be my Savior, no matter the circumstances. I am grateful, confident, even courageous because I live a life surrendered to Your perfect plan for me.

(Note: Another silver lining is this "new world" is my conscious effort to stay in contact with brothers and sisters I cannot necessarily see face to face. This eCard, for example, will go out to a number of people God has placed on my heart, among them brothers in North Carolina, Kentucky and South Korea. Technology used to His purposes...)

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

'I never turned from the Lord in anger'


The COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that we live in different states kept us apart for many months, but when we finally met face to face God blessed me richly.

Long story short, my friend Joshua is a young family man my wife and I “met” in November 2020 when his name appeared on our fellowship prayer chain. Joshua, the son of a dear brother and sister at church, sought prayer after being diagnosed with an aggressive stage 4 colon cancer.

The original tumor had spread to his lymph nodes and liver. His oncologist told him, “There is no cure for this type of cancer,” and said that with Joshua’s permission, he would explore several treatments to see if they could succeed in preventing the disease from spreading further. Thus began a months-long fight for life that incorporated prayer, vitamins, surgery and medical treatments that included prolonged infusion sessions at an urban cancer center.

Joshua, who had immediately surrendered his health to the Lord, also established a commitment to repeated prayer that went something like this: “Lord, I ask that whether I live or die, you will be glorified.”

Joshua’s goal to see God glorified inspired him to share his story with periodic Facebook posts, often brutally truthful, many times laced with evidence of an indomitable sense of humor. I was doubly blessed as he battled, in that he showed a willingness to share messages back and forth privately.

Praise be to God! Joshua’s prayers – and those of family and countless brothers and sisters praying on his behalf -- were answered with healing! In July and August of this year a series of tests culminated with the conclusion that his body is free of cancer!

Our “online” communications continue as our bond in Christ has been strengthened with each passing day. But a special blessing occurred when Joshua and his wife traveled to our area from Oregon to spend time with family. They graced us with a face-to-face visit at a coffee shop, where these delightful young parents, my wife and I had the opportunity to share stories of God’s faithfulness in our lives.

It’s impossible to “top” the reality of Joshua’s healing from cancer, but one of the more surprising elements of our conversation that day was this:

Joshua told me of his experience at the cancer treatment center, where his initial visit included the observation that he was the only young person in the room. “There must be some mistake that put me here,” he said to himself, noting that most of his fellow patients were elderly women. Clear confirmation of his doctor’s report that this type of cancer typically victimizes elderly people.

For many days, Joshua opted to pass long hours of infusion treatment with laptop and earphones, “escaping” from the grueling medical environment into a world of music and movies. And who would fault anyone for seeking a way to pass the time, to take his mind off of the “alien” environment and lengthy treatment process of radiation and chemotherapy?

Then one day the Lord spoke to Joshua as only He can. He instructed the young patient to disconnect from technology, to take a good look around at those in the room sharing his circumstances. He was called to pull the computer plug and connect with the other human beings in the room.

From the beginning, said Joshua, “I never turned from the Lord in anger. I had learned through several previous trials that anger was an indicator that I wasn't fully trusting the Lord's plans for my life. Despite feeling at peace about my faith, I was surprised to learn that the perception of feeling like the Lord had placed me in the ‘wrong crowd’ was an act of rebellion on my part.”

Turning immediately from his solo effort to disengage, he began to introduce himself and have conversations with other patients around him. He soon discovered that despite age differences, there were many precious points of connection with these fellow patients. Relationships were built, and God manifested His presence by providing opportunities to share his faith in Jesus.

Joshua’s initial prayers – that God would be honored and glorified ‘no matter what’ in this battle against cancer – were clearly, lovingly answered, providing yet another exciting “chapter” in the story of his life – a life surrendered to Jesus Christ. Praise be to God, our faithful Father!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The peace of a mind "set on Thee"

For the past few days I have returned to the beach near a local ferry terminal to collect photographs of this lone Great Egret, uncommon in our "neighborhood." This morning the tide was out, so I made the decision to get my feet muddy for this shot. Once I saw the image on my computer monitor I knew it would be a perfect match for the "perfect peace" cited in Isaiah 26. There can never be a peace like the peace of the life surrendered to Christ.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Scripture for a cellphone

I enjoy making "eCards," combining photographs and scripture verses to produce cards -- some for print and some for digital sharing.

This week I received an email from the Institute for Creation Research (ICR), a wonderful Christian organization that celebrates God the Creator. The email referenced scripture/photo images designed for download and use as screensavers on cellphones.

Given the fact that almost everyone (including me) spends so much time with cellphone in hand, I concluded this idea is a winner. The card above is my first attempt at what I'm sure will be a growing collection of scripture images. Please let me know if you have a favorite Bible verse you would like to see on your cellphone.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Dixie, Lou and divine appointment

Last week my desire to photograph new daffodils took me to the one-time train depot in our community. There, as I scanned the area for my flower shots, a gentleman with a dog on a leash approached me.

"Would you take a picture of my dog?" he asked politely.

"Of course. I'd be happy to," I responded.

Man and best friend struck a pose or two. I positioned myself for a couple of "portraits" of the dog, too, discovering the clouded eyes that confirm blindness.

In the few minutes we shared together, Lou told me that he was afraid 14-year-old Dixie would not live to her birthday in August.

"How can I get these photos to you?" I asked. Lou gave me a telephone number and pointed to the apartment complex he calls home.

A busy weekend passed. I edited my photos, posted one on my photo website, and finally on Monday headed for a downtown store with an instant-print machine. Printed photos in hand, I called Lou.

"Oh, I've been praying you would call!" he said, adding: "My dog Dixie died the same day you took our picture."

Minutes later I met Lou outside his apartment complex. Tears welled up in his eyes as he thanked me for this precious gift. Because of Covid restrictions we parted with a handshake, but not before I gave Lou my telephone number.

"I'm very sorry for your loss," I said. "We'll talk again."

My hope is that when Lou said, "I've been praying," it was evidence that he is a Christ follower. Either way, I look forward to the day we can get together again and talk about Jesus. After all, we were drawn together by divine appointment.

"The Spirit told Philip, 'Go to that chariot and stay near it.' Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. 'Do you understand what you are reading?' Philip asked. 'How can I,' he said, 'unless someone explains it to me?' So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him." Acts 8:29-31

Sunday, March 21, 2021

The heart of the Father

As is the case with many of the "favorite" scriptures in the Bible, it is important to read and consider all verses, before and after the verse being considered ... taking care to read in context. Many have read or heard this verse:

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him might not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16

The verse immediately after that one, featured here in a photo card, also reflects the heart of the Father in sending His Son to a dying world. God's will is that all might be declared righteous because they have admitted they are sinners beyond hope without the redemptive blood spilled by Jesus on the cross.

It is vital to note the words "might be saved" in John 3:17. Contrary the universalist claim that all people will spend eternity with God in Heaven, that precious gift from a loving Father can only be received by acknowledging Jesus as our Messiah: "the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6)."

Ultimately then, whether at the time of our physical death or at Jesus' return, it is each person's decision regarding Jesus the Messiah that will determine whether his or her eternal life with be spent in God's presence (Heaven), or apart from Him (Hell).


Friday, March 5, 2021

Charles Spurgeon to "Nobodies"


A devotional from Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)

“I cannot believe that salvation is meant for me,” someone says. “I am a nobody.”

A nobody, are you? I have a great love for nobodies. I am tired of somebodies, and the worst somebody in the world is my own somebody. How I wish I could always throw my own somebody out and keep company with none but nobodies!

Nobody, where are you? You are the very person that I am sent to look after. If there is nothing in you, there will be all the more of Christ. If you are not only empty, but cracked and broken; if you are done for, destroyed, ruined, and utterly crushed; to you is this word of salvation sent: ‘Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.’

I have opened the gate wide. If the entrance led to the wrong track, all the sheep would go through. But since it is the right road, I can leave the gate open as long as I wish, yet the sheep will evade it unless You, the Great Shepherd, go around the field and lead them in. Take up in Your own arms a lost lamb whom You purchased long ago with Your dear heart’s blood. Take him up upon Your gracious shoulders, rejoicing as You do it, and place him within the field where the good pasture grows.

Thank you, Lord, for Your patience in those times when we take our eyes off Jesus, intent on satisfying the desires of the person we see in the mirror. Thank you for spiritual eyes to see our sin, our hopelessness without Jesus. And thank you for the love and compassion for others that you plant in our hearts as we surrender to Your will.

"All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because 'God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble'." 1 Peter 5:5

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Present tense

It is so important, when we consider Scriptural promises including this one, that we recognize God is completely engaged at all times. He DEMONSTRATES (present tense!), not demonstrated, His love for us. He IS our Father/Creator, not an aloof god of "ancient times" as some would have you believe. Beware the lies of the enemy: Ours IS the one and only God ... and those who surrender their lives to His grace will ultimately live in His presence forever!

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Where there is resistance, fight!


“Let me share with you!”

Those words, and the deep sense of love and urgency behind them, echoed in my mind long after my head hit the pillow.

It was in the waning minutes of an online Bible study that one of my brothers spoke about the unquenchable desire he has to share the gospel with others. What struck me about his testimony was the passion demonstrated as he talked about situations where there is flat-out resistance to the message of Christ’s love.

Jason said that whether it is body language (“We’re done here”) or verbal resistance (“That’s fine for you, but I don’t believe that myth”), it is in the threatening moment of rejection that he doubles down on his effort to see a life surrendered to Christ.

Rather than “folding” in the face of resistance, Jason said he is emboldened to keep the conversation going.

(“Such meetings,” I said to myself, “are divine appointments, and my brother wisely recognizes them as such!”)

There were no details about a specific encounter, no particulars about how many people have continued to talk or how many have walked away. But those of us listening to our brother for these few minutes saw the heart of a man who was lost … and then found in Christ. We “heard” the heart of a dead man brought to life by God’s grace.

“Let me share with you!” Jason cries, rather than doing the easy thing and walking away.

To us, his brothers and sisters, he exclaims: “That’s what we are called to do!” This is a spiritual battle, we are reminded, and we are called to fight!

Have you heard the “parable” of a man who encounters another who is moving at full speed, oblivious to the damaged bridge and sure death that lies ahead? The question: “Given what the first man knows about the fate that lies ahead for the other, would he not say or do anything he could to stop him from continuing on this deadly path?”

Our “commission” as followers of Christ is to “go and make disciples of all nations,” to “teach them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

Jason’s admirable passion for witnessing to those who do not yet know Jesus Christ reminded me that the Father’s desire is that ALL would be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). As such, He fills our lives with “divine appointments” – opportunities to share the gospel and to tell how relationship with Jesus changed our lives forever.

Lord, you call us to love, yes. But also to fight, wielding the sword of the Word, delivering the Truth to those who without it face the prospect of eternal anguish and isolation, separated forever from You. Give us Your strength to step up boldly in love, trusting that the Holy Spirit will provide the specific words each lost soul needs to hear at that appointed time. Amen

Saturday, February 6, 2021

God's faithfulness, His call into fellowship with Christ

My early morning included a time of listening to a few classic hymns with my wife, including the one cited below. I then went on a hike, captured this image and immediately thought of "partnering" photo and Scripture. Following are the lyrics of "Great is Thy Faithfulness," written by Thomas Chisholm in 1923. Billy Graham often used this song at his evangelism meetings. We sang it often in the churches I grew up in (see Lamentations 3:23) so there is a sentimental attachment in addition to the joy of hearing the truth about our heavenly Father.

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;

There is no shadow of turning with Thee,

Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not,

As Thou hast been, Thou forever wilt be.

Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!

Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above;
Join with all nature in manifold witness,
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy, and love.

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today, and bright hope for tomorrow
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside.

Thomas Chisholm, 1923

Thursday, February 4, 2021

No better way to start the day

I was inspired this morning by a prayer request to create this eCard (or should I say 'Ccard,' as in Christ card?) featuring the iconic Mt. Baker and one of David's prayers as recorded in the Psalms.

What better way to start the day than to talk to the Father? And how important to embrace and covet the truth that He ALWAYS listens and will ALWAYS respond, as in "speak to you," His precious child. (Psalm 4:3: "But know that the Lord has set apart the godly man for Himself; the Lord hears when I call to Him.")

How precious a gift is the Bible, God's love letters that declare His character -- and often "speak" to us in our circumstances.

Psalm 3 is often referred to as "A Morning Prayer." It features the familiar declaration: "Thou, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the One Who lifts my head. I was crying to the Lord with my voice, and He answered me from His holy mountain."

Your countless blessings, Father, include the invitation/command to speak with You constantly as we live out this life of relationship with You. May we be reminded there is no better way to start the day than in conversation with You! May we pray with expectation, always committed to listening for Your response.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

"... and I will listen to you."

Many Christians are familiar with Jeremiah 29:11, without a doubt a word of great encouragement. I was prompted in putting this eCard together, however, to include verse 12 as well. How incredible, reassuring, to know that when we call upon the Lord, he promises: "I will listen to you."

Thank you, Lord, for Your pledge to listen any time we talk to You. We pray for a listening ear, receptive heart, to hear your side of the conversation, always.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Childlike simplicity of the gospel message

This post is made with a nod to Pastor J.D. Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe on Oahu, who I watch often on his podcasts.

J.D. concludes each teaching session and prophecy update with an "altar call," inviting anyone who has not surrendered his or her heart to Jesus to do so now.

A key element of his invitation is this "ABC's of salvation" graphic like the one above, which represents "the childlike simplicity of the gospel message." (As simple as A-B-C)

"A" calls those seeking Jesus to "Admit you are a sinner." The Bible notes that ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), and that the consequence of unforgiven sin is death.

"B" calls to "Believe Jesus is Lord." The Bible tells us that Jesus alone is "the way" to forgiveness and a never-ending relationship with God the Father (John 14:6). God spoke when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." (Matt. 3:19)

"C" stands for "Call upon His name." The Bible teaches there is nothing we can DO to "earn" a place in God's family, an eternal home in Heaven. It tells us: "If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED (Romans 10:9).

J.D. often shares testimonials, some of which are stories of people who have "spun off" on the ABC's idea to create and finance their own handouts, flyers, and even highway billboards!

I give thanks for the passion J.D. and so many others have for evangelizing, spreading the gospel message in a demonstration of love and a desire to see unbelievers brought into the fold of a flock assembled by the power of God's grace. May I be ready always to speak/act at your prompting.

For more about J.D. and his ministry, click on jdfarag.org